I had been contemplating asking my girlfriend to marry me for the past month. I never thought asking the women I love to marry me would be so nerve racking/exciting. The nervousness did not kick in until I had bought the engagement ring and was waiting for the jeweler to finish the ring. Holy crap! How was I going to do it? Our two year anniversary? MY birthday? The ring was done the day before I was due to go on vacation. Then, it hit me WHAM let me do it on our vacation! I asked her to marry me while we went out to eat at "Little Italy" on our vacation in Wildwood Crest. (Wildwood Crest is a really nice New Jersey Shore.) She said yes and almost cried. However, the waiter had not known what was going on and approached the table and was at a loss for words. Something like Would you gu--er-em-I'll be right back. His timing was perfect for some comedy relief. She didn't end up crying and gave me a big hug and a kiss. I am back home now and very happy and cheerful right now. (I don’t blame the Corona’s for my happy mood.)
i have to say congratulations! i think you two will be a very happy couple , and i dont know why, but i feel that tthis wont end badly, like in divorce, yet go on for a very long time! once again, congratulations PS: PM me where ur gonna take her to a honeymoon!!!
Few words of advice. If shes happy, you're happy. Make sure your best men match. and finally, try to hold off having a child till you are financially stable. You may think these are given, but trust me, they aren't. Oh and congrats. Duh...
Never met you here, but congrats. I guess we will be seeing less of you but that is k. Love for people>love for forge.
ha be like ben stillars friend in the heartbreak kid, keep your wife happy, and your happy. congrats man, and good luck wih everything in the future.
put the marriage vid on youtube! jk jk Congratz! You can haz nagging person dictator somebody easy to please wife? lol jk once more