Does anyone possibly have one? I am going to start designing shirts and stuff like that.. So.. Anything would be helpful.
I have searched on the Google search engine, and I have not came up with any results that I am looking for.
Like a shirt outline, that is white and nothing on it. Take it into photoshop and then make designs on it and such. @Zander: To lazy, and I would rather prefer a canvas either way.
May I suggest the threadless tee submission kit? Submit a design, earn $2,500 !! Not only do they give a plain white tee option, but they give many different colored options, plus it's really easy to work with, since all different colored shirt options are different layers. (It's a .psd document) I have messed around with it, even if I am not making a shirt. I would try it out.
Dude, Google has like tons... I used to design T's a lot.. I found like 5 on google.. And Threadless's T-shirt template is good too.