Hi, i just joined Forgehub and its bin really helpful but i can't find a solution for my problem. I need some help with a problem im having in forge on Foundry. Ok so basically Im making a neutral flag map, using the Grifball field. Now thats all good. I set the game type in forge, deleted the default flag spawn/return points and deleted the default starting points. I left the 8 spawns on the field side of the wall alone and just put my own 2 starting points. Then i put 3 flag spawns along the middle and 2 return point where i wanted them saved, and setup the game type. But now when i go to play test it i spawn at an invisible starting point (in one of the default spots that i deleted) on the base side of the wall. And only one flag spawns and its on the base side of the wall as well. But i DELETED THEM! So if any one can explain why the one starting point and flag spawn keep coming back or how i can fix it that would be a great help. P.s Im sorry for any misspellings or bad grammar im at work, and have to do this fast.
Sometimes, for no good reason, the game deletes some starting points, respawn areas, and goals. Its not very common, and seems to happen randomly. I actually have had to redo all my starting points, respawn areas, and goal points for Hangar 02 V2 over 5 times, but thats mainly because I've been working on it for such a long time...
I see. It just seems like all the spawns just don't work. I i don't get why when i delete a flag spawn that it cams back in customs.
Same here. On my map SpaceAge (the link is in my signature below) I had to redo all of my respawns in slayer and KOTH.