im not exactly sure how to explain it but here it goes. im trying to interlock a bridge so it will be smooth with the top of a double a box. what items can i use to make it almost as tall as the box so when i add the bridge they are the same height? or is there a special method?
Heres what I would do: Set up a guide on the side of your double box and one flat on top with a generous overhang. Next get two man cannons aiming at the overhang. You can place your wall(or whatever you want level with your box) underneath the overhang and the man connons will push and hold the wall in place. You can set the double box to not spawn and then move your wall so it interlocks however you need it to. If you need further help or explanation, just ask.
Is this on sandbox or foundry? On foundry, a really easy way is to stack 2 dumpsters on top of each other, one normal sided and the one on top of it upside down. Then, do the same thing a bridge-distance away. Turn a bridge upside down, and when you you put it on the dumpsters, it will be perfectly smooth and level with the box. Delete the dumpsters when you have it level. Then, set the bridge to not respawn at start and start a new round. Put a box double upside down(looks better), and place it at the end of the bridge. When it spawns, it'll be level and voila, a perfect bridge. You can try the save/quit method to make items float if it's on sandbox I suppose. Put a double wall or something on top of the box, set the box to not respawn and start a new round. Then put the wall or whatever you want for the bridge right underneath the wall double in the position you want. Then while holding the item, save and quit. When you come back, it should still be in that position thus making a flat perfect bridge. Lastly, you could always stack objects ontop of each other but that's all guess and check work. Just realized Agamer's helping you in-game, lol.
ok. ill be on after the MLG Dallas championship. im goin to try rifte gifle's method and if it doesnt work ill message you. and thanks for the method rifte gifle and philthyphillup