hello fellow forge lovers as my subject says i would like help... i would like help developing a piston (like a thing that flies up then falls back down, possibly with deadly force?) and i am currently working one at this moment... although i need help developing the switch so that it will fly up then get pushed down automatically If you would like to contact me or help my gamertag is AssassinChao (same as on here) and i am on most of the time usually at least once every day so send me a friend request and we can hopefully get one working IF you help me get it working you will get partial credit for the development of the switch... o and P.S.: im nr sure if some1 has already developed such a switch and if there has been 1 i am sry
It is your lucky day, a month ago I completely mapped out this idea and started a thread about it at H3A, I think someone made it but I haven't seen it yet Go to THIS link have a good day, -Coyote
hmmm i like the idea but... idk i wuz thinking that when it went up from the bottom grav lift it would smash a fusion coil in some way so that it would go back down the shaft to the bottom grav lift... idk maybe something kinda like the elevator in Moon Waffle? except automated? post ideas plz!
please direct your switch-making self to SwordScar's grav lift rotator: Gravity Rotator - H3Artificer 2 of these could in theory make a dumpster or something similar shoot back and forth. This has a few flaws: a delay of a few seconds (I think, I've never made one or seen one in action), and also would take copious amounts of intarlocking to make it go up and down rather than side to side. good luck on your piston-trap-thingy. PS: now that I think about it, Could I incorporate one of these things on a future map of mine? Of course you get partial credit...
Maybe once the grav lift spawn it brings the piston up to a another lift ( pointing down) which equals it out. Then the gravlift would explode and the other would push it down. That's all I can think of.
Many people have tried to do this, it is extremely hard to do, at H3A we have only had one case of this working... We have tried to use this "Vertical Grav-rotator" to make an elevator about 2 months ago, but the idea failed when we had no luck placing the weapon holders right...
hmmm seems im making a heated discussion XD well i hope some1 could get it to work ill keep attempting and thx for all of your posts EDIT: and now that i look at the gravity rotater i mite just be able to do it if i suspend the grav lift in midair and then make it spin 360 degrees but only vertically... so it would face up (^) then say, left (<) then down (v) then right (>) and back to up? well idk it all depends on how fast the grav lift rotates i suppose... ill have 2 dl the demo map for it to see wat its like... thx for the suggestion PS: it would be perfectly fine if u incorporate this into a map i would be glad to take credit... but i suppose i only get credit for the idea XD... unless i figure this out lol
And that is exactly what I just said is practically impossible to make, the grav lift always stays in the top weapon holder, good luck making it...
hmmm ill c wat i can do... but idk this could get veeerrryy challenging if any1 would 2 help me on XBL sometime my gamertag is AssassinChao (the same as my username on here)