Hey, I need help creating a panorama (I don't have any software that enables me to create one) using three pictures. This is for a map I am going to post, it was INSPIRED by Bart's Manor and being so is unoriginal but I completely changed the layout. As my final comment here I thank everybody that helps and takes the time to see what this is about Here are the Pics:
First time I tried this, good old Paint.NET, but you can see where the pictures joined. Someone else could proberly do better.
Unedited Color Corrected Color Corrected and Sharpened Some recognition would be nice but not required. Do what you wish.
FAVOR: –noun 1. something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
Ok, thanks guys. Im going to use FastForward's Color corrected picture. I will give recognition for the panorama.