i want to make a new map (usually like mlg never released any yet) for a slayer game type. but when i brainstorm i cant think of anything. I cant get an original idea for making the two starting bases but the rest i can manage. So if anyone wants to help me out at all please help me brainstorm ideas for this new map. if you want to add me my gamertag is dark sil4nce on xbox live but i cant talk because i broke my mic so send me a message and a friend request if you want to or just write here i will check it quite a bit because i want to get it started to kick off the summer
There are a lot of different map designs out there, there's the "Room" based maps like Guardian or Blackout, where most of the fighting is designed to be in rooms or on rooftops. Then there's the symmetric 2 base map, like blood gulch or valhalla. These rely on a lot of natural cover to work well. A lot of people try to make them on sandbox, but the flat concave surface doesn't work well for that map type. Then we see the traditional U shaped map, much like foundary, The Pit (to an extent), Colossus, etc. They're always a good reliable for objective gametypes as they're symmetric so it works well without much tweaking. Really try reading about map design cause no matter how hard you try to make your map unique it will still fit into most of thost categories. The more you know about map theory the better your map will be.
i knew that stuff but i was looking for more ideas on the layout of foundry sorry i should have said that. i'll re-phrase my question to make more sense. my question is if you look at the mlg maps like amplified they have a base thats lower in the back and higher in the front. i'm looking for an idea like that. like if you look at the mlg maps in online they have a different base then every other map like a map like Atrium v2 MLG by Skyzo and UpsiloN. can anyone help me think of something different like those two did (obviously not the same but original)