It's an infection map on Last Resort. The main point is using the beach as a huge holdout shelter, with most of the ways in blocked off. What I want to know, is how I can get the zombies to come out after a minute. Here's some screens of what's done. The humans start at the beach. Any ideas?
You could make the zombies spawn in a blocked off room. Then a gravity lift spawns after a minute pushing something away from the door quicker than the zombies can move it. OR, have the zombies spawn in a vertical open box and just have a grav lift spawn after a minute.
well, as for zombies coming out after a minute, i can help you there. Commonly known, just get a dopen crate (outside the map somewhere) longside up so that the gap is focussed towards the sky. Now, put a gravlift at the bottom of the crate and put "place at start : no" and "respawn rate : 60secs" so that the grav lift spawn 1minute into the game. So, when your zombie(s) spawn(s) in the crate, it cant do anything until the grav lift spawns and the zombie is shot up into the gap. So once you've done this, if you float a teleporter at the top of the gap, the zombie is then shot into the teleporter once the grav lift spawns and is sent into the playable map where the reign of terror starts
Make the zombies trapped somewhere in the map. Under camp Froman seems like the best and make a teleporter in the air. Under the teleporter put a grav lift that spawns 60 seconds after the game starts. I was thinking you could block off every way out of the bottom of Camp Froman except for one than have a the grav lift leading to the teleporter outside the one enterance. Surround the grav lift with containers that have reciever nodes on them. Have the teleporter leading to the to the beach! I hope this helped!