This is going to be a submission for the $5,000 map contest. I haven't had any testers on this yet, though I hope to soon. I have been working on this for about 10 days at maybe 3 hours a night, maybe more. I was at work with a fellow Reach player and was tossing the idea around for a new map idea. At first I was thinking of sequential teleporter spawning, taking the player to a new side room to sneak around in every few minutes. I realized this would get expensive if I wanted to do it properly. What I decided on was one Sender and eight Receivers all linked to the Alpha channel. It has some fun results. Then I wanted it to be somewhat harder to get to the teleporter so I put it up at the top of the map. I also wanted a nice centerpiece. I realized after I made mine that of course I wasn't the first to come up with the idea. Too many people used it apparently to give credit to one person. What I have here is a map set in the coliseum (i know, not a new idea). The main shape is a two disc array linked together with platforms that double as the team bases. This is set up for RvB or 4team. It can support BTB but as I said I don't know enough people yet to test it out that way. It would seem hectic in theory but I believe the space is still open enough to handle this. I am still new to Forge Hub and am hoping for some feedback regarding what you can see. If anyone wants to catch me on Live sometime and check this out that would be great! Spoiler An overview of the map from Blue side. A look at the inner circles. My maps centerpiece. This would "power the man cannons and teleporters". The teleporter. I was having problems with it sometimes not teleporting even if the receiver was far away and unobstructed. I put four curved walls and a 5 degree angle to block off LOS and this works every time now. Try to get the energy sword! View from Blue Base View from Red base. The same thing at the other colored bases too. Now some fast shots of me being launched.
Chalice Insight Premonition Anomaly Event Horizon Torsion/Torque More when I'm actually feeling creative >_>