Hey Guys, I need a quick favor, Can someone real quickly make me a team logo? I am willing to pay for it, Heres the stuff I need, Stock: Please make signature size the same as this (300x200): All I really want is some different text, and a render like this: Please place Render in the top left corner... For the text start off by erasing all current text, the where it says MLG put in white letters just like the current text looks like, put the text saying: NoVa v2 and right under it put: Gamebattles Champ, and don't put anything where it says warrior princess, just erase that. I will pay whoever does this first with all the requirements filled depending on how good they did, $20 Maximum.
I could take a try at it. i just need alittle more of an explanation, i dont fully understand how you want it..
I know, I already posted on me and Huntar's shop where you requested. I just want to post it here as well for convenience.