Hey everyone, I've been looking around for anyone to make me a halo sig but haven't really found anyone. If anyone could attempt that would be great. Below is what i would like. I would like a spartan with Hayabusa head, Security Shoulders, and Hayabusa chest. The main colors i want are dark blue and white/black. My GT is laxerdude4, if you could add that in somewhere. Also if you could add a Warthog in there somewhere that would be great. I would also like a Stencil sort of font. Please feel free to add your thoughts to the sig. Heres a link to my Service record for my player snapshot. (If needed) Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Service Record Thanks
I'll do it if you provide the stock image. You're expecting a lot for someone to go into halo and set up the photo op me thinks. edit: ehh I made one anyway. You'll probably hate it.. tis pretty artsy and messy
Hey thanks for making me one, I meant for people to use my "Player Snapshot" not my glory shot. Thanks though.