OK so my gamertag at the moment is iiSpLiT DoMez. And i really dont like that, So im going to you Forgehubbers to come u with some cool GameTag ideas. So can yo hook a brotha up? Jk Jk.... But really can you.
MLGPR0SNIPERASSASSIN12110130156041 Naw, jk Sn1p3sfr0mb3h1ndth3w4ll Umm {_/ Heretic Headshot \_} I got nothing...
Spoiler The Troll iDontsplitdomez I seriously have no idea for a gamertag at the moment. But you can go to mygamercard.net type in the gamertag you want, click "Generate Gamercad Code", then click on "Forums (Image)". If it doesn't show you a Gamertag or says something like the Gamertag is unavailable, then I'm quite positive that the Gamertag that you enter when you put whatever you want in isn't taken. Therefore you can tell what has been taken and what hasn't been taken.
"a newcomb" or "a new comb" As in, "You got killed by a newcomb" "You got assassinated by a new comb"
how about Demonic Rage or this one from aceofspades peanutbutterbunny. idk just don't do the xx parenthesis no mlg or hlg try having something a simple one or two words with a space maybe or how about (rick james) for a new one.
SWEET! Exactly what he said... no x's or I's or alternating caps. As said - PeanutButterBunny ...and a humorous one - A Soccer Ball "You got sniped by A Soccer Ball" lol
Like another person said have it be "a ______" So it'll be like... You were kill by "a stray bullet" You were assassinated by "an unknown force" You were beat down by "a walrus"