Ok so I found this really, REALLY good montage on youtube called INVINCIBLE and I thought I'd show you guys. Not sure if it was posted here yet though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzRV9f3B_1QSrry if this ist shown but my internet is a little messed up right now. More vids on Page 3!
thats some of the best editing ive ever seen. good song choice, perfect selection, everything.. and i dont even like montages usually. although, it shouldve stopped after Skillet ended.
One of the best montages ive ever seen! The editing was insane, the kills were amazing. Overall 10/5!
k well im posting here... this is an amazing montage.. the kills were awesome and the editing even better.. i like the fact that they actually used the BRs to get overkills and such.. it really shows that they are true pros
I had chills the whole ****ing time. That was astonishing. I seriously can't believe what I just watched. I must get his editing software, if he was using vegas, he put vegas to ****ing work. Oh, and whatever about the old one, let's just start up the conversation about this montage in this thread since it's already begun.
haha always good to get in with tex on schemes!! that way no infractions!!! well yeah i thought the introductions and all instances of text were amazing
I will still infract for spam/off-topicness >:| =P But the intro was just un-****ing-believable, with all the text perfections, and the choreography, the way that the video played out was phenomenal. There were some moments though, where the editing overlayed the gameplay, which made it hard to tell what was actually going on, but all-in-all it didn't really matter.
there is a point where the editing can be too much.. and i think your right.. it may have gone over the top just a decimeter but i still say its amazing. i liked the way they transitioned between maps too.
Yay! I can has alive thread? Thanks for not locking Tex! (and or any other mod, lol) Ya probably one of the best montages ever! It's so awesome my head a-splode mg: I have some other good tages I think I should post too. Should I post them here or New threads? Also does anyone no what the first song is?
Edit: My Internet is being gay I can't even dissable underline, I will have to post tomorrow. srry guys:cry: I'll get right on it tomorow I promise. Keep this thread alive till then! Also: What?
Yes, I agree, it was absolutely amazing. The transitions were nearly flawless from 3rd person to first person and stuff. But at that quality, programs are minimal, it was all skill and talent.However, the only reason I would say he used Vegas, is because some of the color correction seemed a little harsh at times. Mostly because when adjusting color in Vegas, you use more values, while programs like Final Cut has a more visual styled color corrector. Of course, it is a possibility he did his sfx in a non-linear editor.