I'm no fanboy of halo or call of duty specifically. I enjoy both games, but honestly can't really compare either of them because other than the fact that they are FPS's, their completely different. I'm not going to get into Halo, because I think we all here at 'forge'hub have a pretty good idea of what it is. This is what I have to say about Call of Duty 4. Sure a few aspects aren't exactly realistic, but for christ's sake it's a videogame! Of course it isn't going to be perfect. Just like how people say halo could be better with BR starts or crap like that. Secondly, as far as the perks go, I would say a majority of them could be implemented in real life, with of course the exception of martyrdom. Juggernaut - Kevlar Jacket? Grenade Launcher - actually used in real life. Stopping power - armor piercing rounds. But that's besides the point. Anyone who complains about certain perks, guns, attachments, whatever really needs to stop. Not just because it's been heard a billion times by now, but because it is just plain ridiculous. I'm so sick of people saying "oh god _____ is so n00bish". It's not n00bish, it's smart. If a grenade launcher can score you some good kills, then why wouldn't you use it? That's like playing a game of halo and going for brute shot over a rocket launcher, when both are equally accessible. 'oh yeah no i'm going to ignore that oversheilds over there because it's cheap'. Secondly, if you know these things exist, then plan around them. If your team keeps getting killed by grenade launchers, then perhaps don't pack so close together or be hiding in obvious locations. Any deaths besides the first few is just horrible gameplay on your part. It's like knowing that theres the a guy with a sword in the sword room on The Pit, and just continually running in there to try and kill him. If your having trouble killing a guy with juggernaut, then use a gun that has stopping power, it effectively counteracts the juggernaut perk. In short, no one is being a n00b by using certain weapons, perks, attachments, etc. They are being smart because they are using the best of what's available. If anything you are the n00b for not using the best weapons, but also because you don't know how to play against those weapons, perks, etc. As far as weapon mongering with those better weapons, well there's nothing to complain about there. Those people who use those weapons earned them through rising through the ranks. That's half the fun of COD4 is that you consistently get to unlock new weapons and abilities. It's why COD4 became such a huge hit. If it didn't have that and was like halo as far as just spreading weapons over the map and going around to pick them up it would probably be a really crappy shooter. As far as sniping goes, this of course is debatable, but i would say hands down COD4 is more difficulty. 1. Unless your playing on creek, it's very hard to make sniping a viable strategy 2. There is a crazy amount of cover in COD4 3. You have to deal with the wobbling of the gun and holding your breath 4. Recoil. 5. It's very hard to become good at 'no-scoping'. In halo you always have that reticule telling you exactly where your gun is going to fire. Sure it takes some skill to use, but not nearly as much as COD4, in my opinion. I know it was mentioned that you can shoot people in the shoulder and they'll die, but this goes back the realism of the game. You try getting shot by a sniper rifle and seeing if you got a good chance at life. So back to the initial point of this topic, I've never personally complained about the difference in sheilds of halo 3 and COD4, mainly because they are two different games. As far as COD4 goes, stop complaining about the game, it's great, and your logic is ridiculous. PLEASE READ ALL THAT I WROTE BEFORE YOU GO AND MAKE A STUPID RESPONSE
and oh ya it is not CoD 5 or CoD 5:WaW, it is just CoD: WaW. infinity ward reserved the rights to CoD 5, and WaW is being made by treyarch.
you said i hadnt played the game, there's proof, and guess what? i think its a bad game, yes its better than COD1,2,3 and will be better than 5 it doesnt have any outstanding factors which make it exceptional. stop trying to boast and dragging the topic into insults O rly? must research what infinity ward does why cant you argue the topic instead of attacking the opposition? you're all the same
and john brodish(i think), you say that noscoping in cod4 takes a lot more skill. it actually takes none at all. the large area where the bullet can possibly go is completely random, you never know where it will go in that whole area, my friends and i tested this for hours. al you can do is line them up in the center of your screen and hope you get lucky.
cod 4 is an outstanding game.The campaign is great with some amazing missons{all ghiled up} the graphics are great the sound is even better,you really need 5.1 and bodies by drowning pool to truly enjoy it,it also has a superb multiplayer that i play often i cannot be called a bad game by any criteria Comparing it to halo is like comparing elvis and the beatles people generally like both but no one likes them both the same everyone has a favourite it does piss me off that the dlc isn't free yet though
What are you talking about? You do know that most of the starting weapons you get are the best weapons in the game right? An M16 with stopping power is a one hit kill if you aim it right. You can't just hate on a game because you suck at it. Also, the M40a3 (first sniper you get) is also the best because w/ stoppage power, you get one hit kill also with low recoil. Most pro's use the first sniper. Mp5s is one of the best in the same way.
true i do believe infinity ward is to thank for the success of COD4. Bungie is a good producer and looks after comunity 100x better tahn activision imo
**** of Doody 4 did have a pretty good campaign but besides that i feel as tho u can win by looking at ur radar and staying in one place and camping
I was a COD fan, but then it just got really lame for me, and I went back to halo. I am no longer a COD fan. But it is a good game. Just not my type anymore.
**** of Doody? good one, way to be a real loser about it. if you don't like it, thats your opinion, but you don't have to be all obnoxious about it. and you really can't camp when playing people who actually play the game are are semi decent at it. and your radar isn't always on, so you cant win by looking at it.
Being all gay about it? Excuse me, wtf do you think this website is? Bungie.net? Hell no. Change your post, because if you want to insult someone, do it right. Don't bring someone's sexuality into the equation. By the way, "**** of Dooty" was invented a long time ago.
ok, i changed it to a term which is not used in everyday conversation by almost every person in the united states of america as a general term of dislike which does not imply homosexuality in the slightest bit. and i never complimented him by saying he was one who came up with "**** of dooty"
Oh really? It's always meant to bash on homosexuals when used in a derogatory fashion. Either you don't know what you are talking about, or you know, and want to water it down. As for this whole thread, I'm appalled to see that a COD4 vs Halo 3 thread has reached the fourth page. However, idiots are attracted to the 'NO! My _____ is better then your _______' kind of arguments, so I'm not surprised.
"i prefer ****** when bashing on homosexuals", i exclaimed with great sarcasm. if you didn't catch the sarcasm in that, i actually Do NOT ever belittle or make fun of some who is a homosexual. the word gay is just used everyday conversing between friends when they feel that something is unfair, annoying, or something of that nature. never saying "oh did you see that gay, he's so stupid and weird and ..."\ never like that. more like "hey did you play (unanimously agreed on terrible game), that game was gay"
That's easy to say over the internet. I find your statement an invalid reflection upon yourself. Idiots use it in that fashion, are you an idiot? This thread is going nowhere fast. Closed.