I Just Had SX

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by oomishday3, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. oomishday3

    oomishday3 Promethean

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    An awesome SX style map made by oomishday3, i ImpROBable, Rookies n Milk, SoaR StyleZ, and trabbedoor. The video speaks for itself :)

    --Compatible with 1-16 players
    --20 second starting gate, not cheatable
    --All jumps work 80-100% of the time
    --Uses the full forgeworld budget but has no framerate issues that affect gameplay

    Best Halo Mongoose Race Ever!! "I Just Had SX" with commentary by oomishday3 - YouTube

    please leave a comment/reply if you like it or don't like it :D
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    This is a pretty interesting looking race map.
    It doesn't look like it's all speed like a lot of races and requires you to pace your accelerations in order to over take people.
    It seems to function in levels too which I really like (i.e. each berm gets progressively more difficult and dangerous).

    Also, that lift back up to the coliseum is pretty cool. I do worry that it may be finicky and easy to die on as per your video for example.

    Lastly, I love the word play in the name and I am gravely disappointed that some variant of the song wasn't in the vid >.<
    Joking aside, this seems pretty sweet.
  3. oomishday3

    oomishday3 Promethean

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    i know i should've put the song in there :'( haha it would've been so sick but im not really sure what the rules are with music and i don't want to jeopardize my partnership in any way so i avoid all music. straight commentary.

    also, the lift up to the top works perfectly every time until someone comes up behind you and touches you sexually like in my video :D if i had any budget left on the map i would've made the top of it a bit wider but there were 0 forge dollars left and everything else was pretty perfect. thanks for leaving a reply with some thought behind it, bro
  4. Cassel

    Cassel Promethean

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    I played this last night in that one lobby. Definitely something interesting and it gives a nice change to the whole SX thing. Even though it is not realistic and not a competitive track, it is still a great casual track.

    Some suggestions I would recommend:

    -Somewhat confusing at first glance. Should not be an issue after 1 lap though.
    -The checkpoints are odd to me. I don't like how they are cut in half down the turn. I understand that it promotes berm usage, but at the same time it makes a majority of the track '1 lined' (very well known term in moto/sx and a way of saying that it is difficult to pass). If you made the checkpoints bigger, then it does eliminate the whole promotion for berm usage. However, it is the racers responsibility to make sure they use the berm correctly. Otherwise they will not be able to take the rhythm sections ahead correctly. Thus, putting the problem on the racer and not the track.
    -Somewhere on the track, there is an option section that starts off with a roll over. I understand the concept of a roll over. But if you are going to make a casual track, then it could be somewhat altered, edited or slightly modified. I wouldn't do much but if it were my track, I would make a shield door to slow things down. A casual racer would not really see that coming. Especially if it is an 2 way option section.
  5. oomishday3

    oomishday3 Promethean

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    i made the checkpoints thin because if i didn't people wouldn't take the berms and they'd complain my jumps didn't work and i understand that it does make it 1 lined (a new term for me). i've never made an SX map before really so my inexperience is my main excuse haha :)

    the rollover wasn't built by me, i usually complain about rollovers but this one was awesome because even if you jumped it normally it still lands in a way that let's you keep your speed even though it's sorta rough. a shield door would guarantee that it would work but then SX map makers would complain about it having a shield door... although i made this map to be an SX at its core but it was a weird version (obviously normal SX maps don't have 500ft drops into magical shield doors.

    thanks for a worthwhile reply, bro :)
  6. Cassel

    Cassel Promethean

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    Like I said, I understand where you are coming from. It really hurts the map maker when someone makes a SX track because no matter what, either the competitive side (which is the side I would relate to) or the casual side would complain. Because if people don't use the berms they complain the track sucks and its poorly made blah blah, but in my perspective it is difficult to make it competitive.

    Relating back to my first paragraph of this post, you can't make everybody happy, but it is not too bad the way you approached it for what it was. Unfortunately when you make a SX track, it is supposed to be geared toward the competitive side. I was one of the originators and threw the idea of racing SX tracks on Halo 3 over at Halotracks.org. Fun little tracks were already made in Halo 3, but me and a few friends got the idea that something competitive would be made for the tournaments/events to be somewhat organized. Thus, it created the whole SX in Halo image that you see today. Its not pretty, but it is the way it is.

    In all honesty I think you did what you could to reach out to both sides as best as you could and it worked out. I would more gear this as a casual than competitive. Still, none-the-less, the map was a great effort. Just hope this provided you a little help going into Halo 4. :)

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