Topic. When I start creating things I either try to take shortcuts or cant make what I want. Requesting the help of a forger who could make one idea I have work and who can contribute to the idea (both being the same person) GT: Echo of Rain
You should explain what you are trying to make or are thinking. Sketches help too I might be interested.
I would help. I believe I know the forge tools good enough to build things. I'm currently finding it difficult to finish any of my map ideas. I create something good (have two amazingly looking maps) but never finish them. Probably school and work. Good thing its the weekend.
6 ideas... dunno how they will work out 1. An RPG like gametype where the player chooses their class via loadout. Map would be something of a colosseum with cover and all that which spawns as the game progresses. Higher dmg resistance and would have to work on balancing classes (Probably no weapon pickup, but unlimited ammo...) 2. A mini-game Pokemon style battle. 2 people spawn on opposite sides and then do X to bring in the pokemon (other players... would support 4-6 people perhaps). Pretty much a "throw a plasma onto a teleporter so the person can teleport in" sort of deal, though if there is another way to call in people that would be sweet. 3. A Team Slayer/BTB where things spawn both per phase and after 3 minutes. 2 big bases that are connected via giant bridge in the center. 2 side paths lead around the bridge on each side with more cover (maybe a tunnel?) and 2 paths are under the bridge for sneaking around. If it is possible to make phases in BTB/Slayer or certain things that happen after X kills Id like to know, but if not then weapons/cover/vehicles spawn in the 3 minute time period. 4. An Invasion map where the goal is to capture the core from a massive tower and then carry it all the way down through multiple levels. If it is possible there are ~10-15 levels, each one different than the last. On level 3/5 there is a capture point and another one on levels 6/10. 5. A temple like this but only the temple portion. Seems doable but would be very costly and may sacrafice the interior for the exterior. 6. A giant (dunno what giant =)sphere that you spawn inside (walls smooth). In the center of the sphere is a kill ball, or two, or 3, or 4. Unlimited Jetpacks, Invincibility, and Gravity Hammers. The goal is to knock people into the sphere. (Dunno if jetpacks cancel out the punch grav hammers give. If this is the case then replace that with concussion rifles or something that has a lot of knockback)
1. This probably would work, and it sounds pretty fun. 2.this... may work, dunno how fun it would be, but i cant judge it until I see it 3.It is possible if you make it invasion slayer, then you put the capture points outside of the map where no one can get them, it sounds kinda fun. 4. well... thats a little too much. The only way that this probably would work, is if you had small rooms, probably. 5.And this is also a little hard to make, and when your done, it would look nothing like that. 6. this sounds really fun, and I would love to see this when it is done. Unfortunatly I cannot help, as my xbox live ran out. I was just trying to give you some suggestions and stuff like that I hope this helps.
Thanks for the feedback! Im actually working on the sphere right now... I just need to fixure out how to make it aesthetically good and work for the gameplay. I was thinking: Make a North and South Pole where you can die as well so you have to be flying (for the most part) and have the center be the core, where you also die.