I hate Sandbox!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MAP MAKER, Apr 2, 2009.

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    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    Ok i must admit theres a **** load you can do with this particular map, theres hundreds of combinations leading to some incredible structures and minigames no one thought possible before.

    But the thing that pisses me off is the fact everything is ****ing brown so all the time and effort making amazing detailed buildings and features gets binned due to the fact everythings one shitty brown colour.

    I also have alot to complain about the lighting effects and the filters ... 2 light source colours and the same filters, its like bungie couldnt be arsed to truly create something that people could make unbelievable maps.

    Foundry was bad enough but due to the wider use of several objects you could create a feature in almost every map, the sandbox pallet is literally full of ****!

    Brown blocks of all shapes and sizes WOW congrats for using the same skin colurs for EVERYTHING!
    I thought sweet when you could change the colours of the boxes and the barrels in some previous maps but no bungie provided the forging community with rubbish, i swear to god im so bored of seeing the same old **** in forgehub everyday ...

    Anyway please leave any comments for support or otherwise ... please try and keep it anayltical and not just chatting shite.

    Thanks alot
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Wow that was deep....
    I agree that Bungie did make it a but boring. They should have made it different colors. The point of Sandbox is for there to be a dark map, though. I am fine, considering all the great creations that have been made.
  3. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    Seriously. You hate it because of the COLOR scheme? Sure there are different things wrong with the map, but you pick the colors and lighting? Like you said "Numerous great and incredible structures and map have been made" but hating simply because you don't like the colors? Not that im not saying it could be useful for different colored objects, but bungie used the colors to try and make it look like a single structure for maps. Honestly i'm fine with the colors and lighting. The only REAL reason i don't like sandbox that much as foundry is because of the fact that there isn't much movable objects.
    #3 supertoaster, Apr 2, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  4. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Yeah? And? Oh well, the color's a bit monotonous, but otherwise the sheer possibilities are sure to revolutionize Forge. It SUCKS!! Are you kidding? So what? If you can't get past the natural aesthetic of the map, then you aren't willing to open up to everyone else's creativity. You sir, have a very narrowminded point of view.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
  5. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    All that needs to be said.
  6. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    I agree with you to an extent. With other maps such as foundry and Avalanche there was a larger variety of colors.

    Every map on sandbox seems very bland and similar to one another making them less apealing. The only colors we can really have is sand and orange.
  7. abandoned heretic

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    i agree with the colors part but what i dont like is when your in sandbox look around see all that darkness you know what it is empty space with nothing but sand that could have been good forging space if they flattened it a little with some hills here and ther but no its just pointless yea you can still forge it but yoou cant see **** in it without a light and how many lights do we have four that space could have been much better used by forgers

    CO0LBEANS Ancient
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    I agree that colors are very bland, but if they did vary most maps would end up looking like the early ones on Last Resort because of all the random colored containers.
    What they could have done is make the different typesof piece designs, like sandbox variations, orbital variations, foundry variations, and the last resort variations all available on one map
  9. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    I agree with you man bungie doesnt no wat there doin...ur right about the shiit colour they gave us...i bulid some magnifest map but it always look like some run dowm brute ghetto or sometin i... i wish bugie could of did better like givin us the option to change the steeing of the map.. like instead of a desert we could switch to a rain forest theme or a urban theme or aloud us to create water or trees....and wat the fu**ks up with that item limit!?!?!?! i build a map i put down team slayer spawns switch to ctf and bammmm cant place anymore objects so im stuck with a great map that only supports slayer THANKS BUNGIE I HATEW YOU!1
  10. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Agree, 100%

    Ive seen several non bland maps. All the objects in every foundry map that was made used the same objects but they didn't look the same? Sure some maps look bland but that's because the time and effort hasn't been put into them, if you see the maps where people actually spent time on there maps they look good.

    They didn't intend for people to forge out there. If you can't find enough space to forge a map on sandbox I don't know what to tell you, each level of sandbox is bigger than foundry.

    FYI people can fix random colored crates and make them look all the same. Get past the aesthetic element of a map and focus more on gameplay.

    Maybe your map looks like a run down brute ghetto because you didn't take the time to forge it and make it look nice. Maybe if you actually used the original spawns you would have been fine, like bungie said to do. Many topics have been created concerning and answering questions about the item limit, you should pay attention.

    Be happy we even have a new forge map, seems like even if bungie did everything right you people would probably complain because you couldn't put something like a cutscene into your map or AI.
  11. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    You don't have to forge on Sandbox. Foundry still exists. If you don't like one, go to the other. Design your maps first, then decide which map base to start on.
  12. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Exactly. Theres no need for you to go around saying stuff like, Sandbox SUCKS or Bungie SUCKS. If you don't like the colors of the map, why dont you put on the effect colorblind if you hate it so much. Overall I think that it's gameplay rather than astethics that matter. But...... it WOULD be nice if we could have more lighting effects and more light balls.
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    truth. stop bitching about what color the map is and start worrying about your map's design. aesthetics get you a DL, but gameplay keeps it on people's hard drives. remember that.

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