Loser.! Some would argue internet porn has done the same thing. Yeah, really. I bet your little sister will get laid before you do. Point proven below. I've kind of realized the majority of Forgehub is ****ing gay. You kids should be out doing things teenagers should be doing. Like idk, getting high, running from police, having parties, going to the mall, meeting people, smoking pot, underage drinking, egging houses, sneaking out, getting laid, making friends, watching movies, paintball or manhunt or pickup games of basketball or football or things of this nature. Like what the **** is wrong with you people? Xbox should not take up the majority of your life, and it should not (under most circumstances) be something major to argue about. Improve your ****ing lives.
Oh come on, even though not EVERY teenager involves themselves in those activities, you can't deny that quite the majority do.
You can do all those things while still being a huge gamer. (Not that I'm defending that kid. LoLz i can block the internets and hax teh schools)
She ain't my little sister. And i'm quite happy with my life thank you very much! It might not seem like much, but I am satisfied. BTW, I am not a stereotypical pasty white fat guy. I'm fit, and exercise often. The way I see it nothing is majorly wrong with my life. On purpose. But, really, I would take pleasure in being unable to bypass censors. I would take it as a challenge and attempt my very best to bypass them. As, indeed, I have done. And if I failed I would go and try my luck doing something else and leave it alone.
lol I am on facebook as I read this... OP, look at the good sides of facebook, it's a way for old friends to connect and talk. I moved to AZ last year and almost all of my old friends are on facebook, I can keep touch with them rather than totally forgetting about all those cool people.
Its a good place to mess around on and I even get some good out of using it. I got 3 chicks numbers which I ended up banging :].
As boastfully self-vindicating as that sounds, I don't think your sister, or many other people for that matter, share your philosophy. And I don't think you would keep it either, if your family realized that you're power-tripping with their computers and exacted revenge on you by exerting their own authority on your belongings. Hello, groundings.
I am quite sure that I would hold to my own philosophy. And a grounding would equal No xbox (survivable, as I only use on weekends), no non school websites (Bypassable) and no outings (Pah. Who cares). Sides I have about fifty+ good books to read, which I would gladly sit and read for hours.
I dont know how you guys did it. But you made getting laid seem just that little bit gayer. i am disapoint. :'(