The Good: I actually like the pixelization effect on the background quite a bit. The concept is well thought of. Colors on the whole are pretty well done, in this case I really like the monotony with the single change. The Bad: Those big blue curvy things are drawing my eye more than the actual ? circle, I am wondering if this piece even needs them. Is it possible to remove them? If possible could you post the version without them? At the very top of the circle, there is a bit of red that leaks from the circle, and the very top of the ? is pixelated. Just a tiny bit of overflow from the effects that makes me feel very OCD for even noticing. For where the circle meets the body, the blending is somewhat sub-par, try to make it actually look like that is his head; have his neck flow into it more smoothly, and have his clothes have some form of interaction with it, maybe a slight burnt in shadow at the edges of the circle, or maybe actually have the circle under the clothes. Right now I feel that the edge is a little too hard. Overall it is good aside from those flat blue things that are a bit obstructive. The rest of the stuff is my nit-picky-ness.
Okay, thanks a lot for the feedback. Helps a ton, Orlando: With swirls Without PS I decided it was too hard to make the circle her head so i made it sorta hover above the sig I reduced the pixel-ness on the lamp too
:O Thanks a bunch, Orlando. I'll work on making my sigs a little less cluttered/distracting and more understandable (and I'll try being a little more OCD about these things eheh). Thnx again
You should see some of the work I did for school, I sometimes went into so much detail you couldn't even see all of it when I printed it all off. For example, one project was a DVD cover/game cover. I had an idea right off, I had myself walking forward, with a ball of fire in one, upraised hand and my other arm straight out to the side, covered in fire. I actually added sparks to the fireball, which are barely noticeable, and whats more I gave myself a tattoo on my face, a scar and a beard. Then on the back, I made a lightning ball in my hands that had details which I created at like 800% zoom, and when I look at it when I printed it out, the detail is blurred somewhat. I love going into details, and I try to correct every single little thing...IE I actually got a $2 reprint of my DVD because I was missing a 2 pixel high by like 50 long line on a 700ppi DVD case. When I reprinted, I had trouble getting people to see what I actually changed. So ya, I can definitely be very OCD about things, and I do find it helps sometimes, especially when doing work for other people, as you often will not have a chance to reprint if something is done wrong. Man...I just went on a rant there... Anywho, like the signature, if you want to see the cover I talked about there, I do have it uploaded, though the colors are a bit messed, photobucket seems not to like CMYK...
I can get OCD on small areas, but often I find myself just wanting to wrap things up real quickly and get it on FH for feedback. Part of the problem is I spend hours messing around on Photoshop, then when I get tired I just want to finish it (I usually do sigs in 1 go, instead of multiple times). If I do get OCD, it's often on blending. Sounds like hell lol. Sure, I'd like to see it, send me a PM or post it here, your choice.
I like the swirls, it adds some contrast to the pixelated stuff, which is good. Make them kinda fit with the peice better though. The one on the top right looks decent, maybe blur it some more. And the one on the left needs to be backed off the focal a lot (And blurred too.). And angle some so it kinda flows with signature better.. Also something else to try is using some textures (adds more contrast and they are just pretty awesome imo haha).. I'll see if I can find some old links for texture packs if you want. oh here's a great looking one, although i didn't download this one myself, I think it has some of the textures that I've used in it: Texture pack 12 » Graphic GFX Sources More Than You Need! And if you don't know how to use a texture, place it in your picture and then set it overlay, soft light, lighten, etc. till it looks good. Lower the opacity or fill also if you need. Basically, mess with it until you're happy.
^Thanks much ZCT but I like the way it is right now (and i don't like messing around with an already decent sig). I'll definitely use those textures for future sigs though.