*WARNING* GET READY FOR A PARTIAL WALL OF TEXT *WARNING* I've been on these forums since the day or day after they came online. I think I was like the 20th member or something. I never really made an introduction. I figured I'd procrastinate even more and not do my homework and projects so I'm typing this. I've been into gaming for about 6 years now. I first started on the computer when I was a lot younger on Runescape (I can't stand it now). I found out about clans pretty quickly and joined a couple. None of them were active or friendly. I ended up finally finding a new starting clan that was active and friendly. I stayed with this clan up until I quit Runescape a few years ago. I stayed active on their forums up until about a month ago because I had made an extraordinary amount of good friends there. I can honestly say that this clan is made me who I am in the real world and gaming today. It made me more mature, it taught me to use grammar and it taught me many things you normally wouldn't find out in life; all the little things. I joined a Soldier of Fortune II clan a long time ago too. I'd say about a year and a half after I joined the Runescape clan. My brother and I joined the clan GWYD and we loved it. My brother didn't really stay for long (he lost his interest for gaming) but I couldn't stop. At the peak of the clan, we were one of the best and most known clans in Soldier of Fortune II. I played with them for a few years and it was great. Eventually the clan moved onto BattleField:2. I bought the game but my computer didn't have a good enough graphics card and I had no money to buy a new one. About a year ago, my friend in real life played HaloC at his cousins once. I had long since played with a keyboard and mouse, not since Soldier of Fortune II which had been a year or two before. He said that his cousin had simply downloaded a program and plugged in his 360 controller to play with that. I missed gaming online so I said what the hell. He got me HaloC for helping him out with a few things and I bought a wired 360 controller. I few weeks in he got busy and lost interest in Halo. Lonely, I went on Halo and searched for a clan server. I scrolled through the list and came across "Red Phoenix Clan Server". I joined the server and met a few of their clan members who were very nice. I met a few other people who hung out around the server who were also friendly. (Some of you may know Kaizen from Halo 3, he sometimes plays customs with us. I met him in this server a few days after I started hanging around it.) A few weeks had gone by and I joined their forums and applied. A few weeks more and I was accepted. I've played with them ever since, which in a few days will be exactly a year. I played actively on HaloC until Halo 3's release. I still pop in the servers once and a while to play a game but I mainly play Halo 3 now. A lot of the people from the clan have Halo 3 so I'm not completely out of touch. I also still go on the forums and am still in the clan. The rest is pretty much me finding out about Forge Hub etc... So there was my long over-due introduction.
you don't need an intro Wakko (NOTE: I didn't read your wall of text) and look at what you've done... I'm afraid many FH regs will make their own intros and spam this board... INCLUDING ME!!! lol
I've been enjoying it. Sheesh, I haven't been able to find the maid service around here yet though, any clue who's in charge of that?