Hey guys I got the red ring of death a little while ago but i dont care.The title basically explains itself but im going to tell you the whole story.Well maybe not the whole story but a bit. I had recently gotten the red ring of death and I realized that life wasnt all about games and addiction to it.I learned that life wasn't all about games.I realize this before I get older which is good.Before my life is ruined.I have other options.I'm really good at basketball so it is possible that I can play when I grow up.I can study and boost my grades up to an A+. I have a bunch of options.So if anyone is addicted to gaming quit now.I'm not saying quit as in leave it forever.I'm saying don't play six hours straight everyday.Everyone here has a bunch of options.Everyone here has a life.Don't waste it.
Kind of a preachy thread, and it's yet to have a single comment. I'll continue with my very time-and-money-consuming hobby/habit/addiction, thank you very much.
But what else am I supposed to do? Go to the beach?! Hang out with friends in REAL LIFE?! Oh, teh horrorz.
Jesus Christ, you're a loser. What time of person needs to have like the RROD to realize that? Christ, the RROD must have been like the end of the world for you.
Sooo... Why work hard to get an A+ when you're not going to go to college... Why play basketball if you have that slightest chance of not making the team... A bit ironic to me, I don't waste my life, I enjoy it, just because I would rather have fun doing something I love doesn't mean I have to quit and "get my life back" I have a life. A life that consists of many things, Halo realated and Unrelated to halo. Look, just because I love the game kid, doesn't mean I'm throwing my life away. You would be throwing your life away if you were worrying about an ego or something of that matter like you do. Not trying to be mean but its just quite stupid that "you wasted a part of your life" typing this.
well for me.. I dont have trouble with socialising etc.. that comes before xbox . Study however.. Every year/after exams I wish that I could study instead of halo lol.. Xbox = Procrastination
Yes I admit a game console can take you away from stuff that can affect your career and such but live life freely. Oh yeah my statement above didn't mean don't go to college lol.
amen, life isn't about halo, or the xbox. But having high hopes of making the team, or getting into an ivy league college(not that you said you would) is more like having no life then playing xbox for 6 hours a day...which, i have yet to realize what is wrong with spending more then half your day playing halo, when you could be doing worse things (heroin, alcoholism, methamphetamines...etc...) i'm not saying go out and enjoy life to its fullest, though i am saying there is no reason to lure others away from the glory that is xbox, when you got teh rrod....
Ya know, I think knowing that life isn't all about video games and practicing it are too different things. I know life isn't all about video games but I don't practice it. I think that's where game designers and artist come from and that's what I'm trying to make my life about, making games and, in my free time, playing them. Grats on, seemingly, practicing this concept. I'll stick with keeping games the center of my life untill I'm on the very edge.
My life is a schedule. Boring, going from one chore to another. But in video games, and can do whatever I want. I plan to keep it that way.
mai xboocks skilzZz kan pwn C4NC312. so why would I quit? but really, why does it matter if you got rrod or not, where you addicted to video games or somthing? I thnk you will find (especially here) that not that many people, infact the vast minority are actually addicted to video games.
I never said that there was anything wrong with a couple hours a day.All i said was dont waste half ur day playing a game of any sort.I only pent a few minutes typingg this. Look all im saying is play a sport do a hobby dont let games take u over and it did not take rrod to make me realize this.It made me realiz i should type this to make u understand how i feel.
right-o, glad you feel that way...though, if i may quote you... ... ... ... need i say anymore? WELL for those of you who don't understand what I'm trying to say here...XBOX IS A HOBBY