boo hew!!! I got red ring but its OK the xbox isn't all my life i can live any-way I heard you can send it in for repairs but I'm wondering where the place is to repair like what state? And how long does it normally take for the whole process. Yes i did all i could to keep it all running even the towel trick but I stopped that because i heard it could give you worse damage.....yes i got the three rings the one that means you got a hardware damage! Well any-way i just want to know how long it takes to send and get back your xbox......DO YOU THINK I'LL GET MY XBOX BACK BEFORE CRHISTMAS?????
It was the red ring monster!!! But ya you call like some number you get off the website and you send it in and get your xboxx repaired
You won't get it back before Christmas. In fact, you probably won't get it back before New Years. It's taken my friends upwards of three to four weeks in the past.
Took me a month(North East), and I believe the number is 1-800-4MYXBOX or something similar to that. Its on incase you don't already have it.
Yeah, you'll have to fill out a repair form on [noparse][/noparse] According to Microsoft, it takes 14 to 21 days to be returned. However, with the upcoming holidays, it'll take much longer. You'll be lucky to get it back by the middle of January.
You haven't got red ring because you must of got your xbox before the virus was detected....I"m not exactly sure but that's my guess......I hate the red ring!!!!!!!! Edit: A mod can happily lock this if you would like! I got my answer
It took me 2 and a half weeks to get mine back but then it was still broken and took another three weeks. Microsoft blows, don't count on getting it back, you might, but I doubt it.