i feel out of it right now can someone link the page of the rules or guides to forgehub, i'm not new to their maps but i havent been a member till today and i dont want to get kicked or anything you guys make the number one maps
Its ok you really don't have to feel out of place your welcome here is how to post a map. Remember even if you so something wrong the mods will tell you what you did and how to correct it.
This is a warm community, you should not feel that you are out of place at all. In fact, welcome, I'm glad you're here. If you have any questions at all, PM me and I'll help any way I can.
Don't worry about mods warning you since it is a very rare occasion. They will just correct your mistakes. You know the old saying: "learn from your mistakes". Anyways, welcome to ForgeHub and don't be shy!
yea welcome and the mods are great and there is always som common ground between you like one of the mods agrees that "grif must die!"