I did a request just now and here is the outcome: No CnC guys because I don't roll that way anymore, please give me appeal and critique.
THE WHOLE POINT OF THE CNC THREAD IS SO PEOPLE DONT SPAM THE BOARD WITH SIGS!!!! Damnit, does anyone understand? We don't care if u don't want CnC, we don't care if ur just showing off, then no one can comment. So stop ****ing making em. I'd prepare for an infract, If i was you.
Sorry, I'm just sick of the ****in spamming. It's ridiculous. This is a Halo board, not a effin Graphics forum. I'd rather see this forum removed or a new forum for sigs.
hm... i dont quite get why pple are getting so pissed off. If you dont wanna see GFX then GTFO? Or just remove post count for this section if thats what pple are worried about.
I think he's saying we should have a child-board for just signatures, because they seem to be the only graphics on here.
No, I don't mind seeing GFX, I love seeing it. But you don't need to make a new thread for every sig you make. It's completely retarded and utter stupidity.
Zerosun, just for saying that, EVERY SINGLE TIME I GET THE CHANCE TO +REP YOU YOU WILL GET MORE REP! Seriously just do that idea, its better than keeping post count here, I might go and make my own GFX forum if I have to.
I honestly dont see why people are making a big deal out of the sigs. Why was it bad that they had their own threads? Ive gone on the CnC thread twice. I will not go a third. Its just so useless. artists want their art to be seen, not stuffed in some obscure thread burried under a mountain of other artists straining under the opression of the mods that just dont understand. I say that artists want their art to be seen, to be reviewed, for it is the only way us artists can grow and learn and improve our work. If people began posting their sigs again, it would make this a better place. Let me ask you something: this is a board for graphics and arts. If i made a graphic for all to see, do i want to put it in some random obscure thread where it will be seen by two people, or do i want to make a thread for that one piece of art so that i can recieve some comments and criticism? Its so pointless that we have a FORUM dedicated to graphics and yet we only have one thread to post them on... And those who say "oh, its all sigs" - well, guess what, thats art, and this is a forum. If sigs werent being posted on a FORUM, we would have a problem. I say, let artists show their work - sigs are work, and to be honest, its just as good as full blown pics and renders and everything else on here. CnC thread is hurting the situation, and the mods fail to see it the way artists do. Thats my two-cents on the matter.
Personally, both methods both suck. A better version, without getting rid of post count, is to make a topic with all your work. Whenever you want to get CnC, just post in that to get criticism. The one now, is based on how helpful people are. The people who hate it, are making it worse as they shun it and do what Hell and Warlord just did in it. The old one was god aweful. You make the topic, in one hour, it's gone because about 10 other people did the same thing.
They should make a child board for cnc where posts don't count. In the cnc thread you get like 1-2 people and in a cnc thread by yourself, for 1 tag, you get like 10 people to comment...
Doesn't anyone remember Reynbow's Sig Gallery? *Wonders why nobody did that when they had the chance*