I can has uber forge fail.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Warlord Alpha, Jan 30, 2008.


How often do you have an idea for forge, but it turns out to be impossible or comes out horrible?

  1. All of my ideas are epic win

    0 vote(s)
  2. Most of my ideas usually fail

    0 vote(s)
  3. Most of mine work

    0 vote(s)
  4. Not many of mine work

  5. Most of mine work but i never post them due to mixed criticism during testing

    0 vote(s)
  6. Some work, some dont

    0 vote(s)
  7. I think mine are good but those who test with me generally hate them so i delete them

  8. I dont forge [much] so i wouldnt know

    0 vote(s)
  1. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, we all have made a map at one point or another. Some of us make 10 a week, some will make 10 in their lifetimes, but how many of those maps end up playable?

    For me, all my ideas are awesome (at least, i think so) but half the time they end up coming out really bad or it turns out to be impossible what i wanted to do.

    As an example, i made a map the other day where there is a low (2 box high) wall bisecting foundry, and at the end (farthest from the offices) is a way through the wall, and near the offices are mancannons that can be used to catapult you over the wall. It sounded like an epic idea, but for some reason, it came out horrible. Im not really sure why it came out so bad, because it looked fine and everything (cuz i interlocked the whole wall) but for some reason nothing worked so i deleted it, condemning it to the "fail" pile.

    How often does this happen to you guys? I know for me it happens maybe every other map, maybe a little less. It would probably be more if i took into consideration the maps that i never finished (because i deemed them impossible due to __(insert numerous excuses, most of which arent valid anymore, like budget constraints)___)

    Yeah, admit it - at one point or another, we all have to comdemn one or two of our maps to the "uber forge fail" pile.

    (oh, and, if you voted #8, what the heck are you doing on forgehub.com?)
  2. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    That's right... most of my ideas are epic win...
  3. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    I have alot of ideas but i never post them unless i get absolutely great feedback. I'm working on a reputation here.
  4. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thats about the same position im in. Only i never get any feedback because all my friends never play custom games :(
  5. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    And your reputation is growing pretty well SPOC... keep it up.
  6. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Atm, i have no reputation because ive been here for all of 2 weeks.
  7. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I always think my ideas are sweet, but nobody is ever online to test with me and nobody ever leaves feedback in my map threads, so I could be wrong. But I don't think I am.
  8. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Nothing is impossible. I've thought of many ideas for forge that I once thought were "impossible," however now I see that there are all pretty much possible, so long as your willing to make a mode for those that need one to work. If you think your idea is "impossible," try experimenting more with forge and the custom game editor to discover a way to make it possible. It's okay if there is a little that needs to be explained to players before playing, but there still must be no honor rules.

    Warlord, I'll send you a friend request, there was supposed a tournament on Gamespot, and you needed two open friend spots, but I forgot about it. So, I'll send you invites to my custom games, and so long as your willing to wait a match or two while I test out my maps, I'll let you test yours. If you have any "impossible" ideas that you think could me awesome, I could help you make them.

    And "All of my ideas are epic win"
  9. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, as i said in my last paragraph, alot of the things i thought impossible/reasons i couldnt make maps before (like interlocking) arent valid anymore because it IS possible as it stands.

    By impossible, i mean like making a 10 story building in foundry, or i need to make a large structure but it turns out i dont have enough boxes and walls to make it. That kinda stuff.

    And thanks, i could always use some friends with friends to help me test my maps.

    At the moment, i need.....4 maps tested. Lolz. yea, im backed up atm, because apparently i can make maps a whole hell of a lot faster than i can test and post them.
  10. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So yes if Bungie gave us a map with no restrictions, but that would be hard....unless they gave us a map editor!
  11. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I usually can come up with some cool ideas but sometimes I have a hard time making them work the way I want.
  12. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, im not saying that, all im saying is that everything has its limits, and sometimes that simple fact of life sentences my maps to the "uber fail" pile.

    Admit it, making good maps is hard. its a process. involving lots of win and fail, respectively.

    Only for some of us, its easier or comes more naturally to make better maps or make the maps work. As syko said, sometimes getting things to work the way you want is very difficult.
  13. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well if you just go in and say "I am going to make a good map" of course it will turn out poorly
    You need to have an idea in mind, and know your restrictions or at least know how to compensate, otherwise you may fail
  14. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But see, sometimes you have an idea, but everyone knows that saying and doing is two totally different things. Ive gone in knowing exactly what i want to do and it ends up completely different due to object restraints or it turns out this took up more space than i planned for or whatever. Sometimes i have an idea like "meh, ill see how it comes out" and it comes out fantastic and other times i have this idea like "omg this is such epic win" and it turns out crappy. Ah, its a trial and error thing.
  15. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well like I said you can either adapt to the restrictions or, as I see useful, is to have people look at the map and take some of their suggestions
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    most of my ideas end up as a horrible mess...thats probobly due to the idea that i have at minimum 10 forge ideas a week...usually somewhere around 3 a day, some are quickly dismissed in my mind, and others i think about...most get thrown away, but i hae a buncha ideas...not sure if their possible, it would definately be close :p
  17. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    True. I guess if you need a 10 story building in foundry and you cant do it it wouldnt have made a good map anyways.

    And the "other people looking at the map" brings me back to my horrible problem of not having enough people to actually test it with me. Yeah, you are right though, i guess nothing is ever doomed to the fail pile unless there is a second...or third...or fourth...or maybe even fifth opinion!

    Yea, but still, noone is a perfect forger...wow that didnt come out right...you know what kind of forging im talking about! yea, but, seriously though, all of us arent perfect, and that means even sometimes we may come up with a bad idea.

    Oh, and, sometimes, by bad idea, that also can mean it doesnt play right (like, there is 10 bazillion hiding places or like fifty ways to glitch out of the map) or the way you intended (like, you wanted people to go to the house, but instead the all hide behind it or there is some feature that they can take advantage of that somehow causes you to remake the entire map).
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I think there is a high level of bashing peoples maps on this site... and is the leading cause of map fails...
  19. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its better than on Bungie.net.

    Forgehub: You need more pictures and your walls seem a little crooked, why not try using a double box to line it up?

    Bungie equivalent: J00 n00b, ur wallz suck! Me map5 ar3 w4ayyyyyyyy b3tter, go play h3llo k1tty!
  20. l Zero Fox l

    l Zero Fox l Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, all the maps that i made get really good feedback, and like i posted them on forgehub and stuff and nobody cares..
    i got my first map, Altitude, which im really proud of. i made a post and like everything, and i got a total of 2 downloads i think.
    i've also been around forgehub way backk when it was still on wordpress. everybody still calls me a noob. so idk guys, dont complain.
    if you wanna see some of my work, all on my fileshare.

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