I am the Highway

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Indie Anthias, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    I thought I'd bring my gaming community friends in on my real-life future plans because

    a) some of you may find it interesting, (possibly even inspiring?)
    b) this seems like a good place to put my ideas in writing for my own reference
    c) I can use as much outside perspective as I can get

    I will be 'hitting the road', starting at around 1 May 2010. The idea started last September when I heard a presentation from one of my professors (for the 3rd time). Since that time, I have worked hard to complete or otherwise eliminate anything that could be called an obligation. There's been a lot of things I've put to rest, but one by one, I have gotten to where I am now. There's nothing holding me back and my number one ambition is to just wander the globe for as long as I can. I have no itinerary, and don't see the need for one. I could list the places in the world I would like to visit, but it would be much easier to list the places I have no interest in seeing: ... there, I'm done. (see what I did there?) I'd like to spend some quality time in Costa Rica, Cambodia, and Croatia. I may be away for a month before I come crawling back home, or I may be out and about for 10 years. Whatever. I will be testing the limits of my adaptability and flexability. I have some experience in traveling and living in, let's just say... minimal living conditions, but this is going to the next level.

    I've found some great resources on the webs. Here's what I've been looking at:

    This article... mode of travel for long distances

    These sites for long-term and short-term accommodations, particularly WOOF and Couchsurfing (I've joined couchsurfing recently and have already had some Canadian bicyclists crash in my living room as a result)

    That's about it. I know it's still pretty vague, but that's why I've allowed myself a few months to prepare (although I don't actually think things are going to get much clearer). I'm open to any insight that anyone can offer. I'd love to stay in touch with my good friends here at FH... maybe I'll roll through your town and we can hit a pub or something.

    Wondering where I currently am? Check out my travel blog.
    #1 Indie Anthias, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2010
  2. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Cool! so you're basically going everywhere you ever wanted to go? Cool, Very cool.

    Btw, If you happen to drive through Canfield, Ohio on your incredible journey, Let me know what road you're on, and stuff so I know where to find you... And put a sign on your vehicle that says like 'Predicide' or 'ForgeHub' or something like that. so I know who you are.
  3. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    WOOFing is a great way to land on your feet in a new country, I'd recommend. You'll meet temporary travelling companions quite easily that way, too, if you're amenable.

    I'd also consider joining a commune for a few months (or a year, or whatever), if you come across one with a good community.

    I admire you, a lot.
  4. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I think its called wooffing* shock, my ex did it in france for a summer and constantly used to correct me on the spelling.

    My one piece of advice would be to be plan, plan, plan. Unless you're looking at a spontaneous journey, in which case just be prepared for any eventuality. Hope it goes well, have a good one!
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Is the thread title a reference to the Audioslave song?

    Sounds amazing! Good luck!
  6. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    You need to sell all your worldly possessions first so you can have a lot of spare money.
    Also, you come through NY, NY then I got a place for you.
  7. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    This kinda sounds fun, but scary if you're alone. Good luck! and find a way to keep in touch with us! You should update this like a journal as you go along... that'd be awesome.
  8. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    Blog blog blog blog
    set one up
  9. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i 4got abt couchsurfing its so badass

    if u eva hit up DC i got u

    & if you hit up Éspaña ova summa i got u 2 (catelunya area (around barcelona))
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Come to D.C., to see the monument and ****.

    Stay for a while in D.C., so you, me and Fbu can chill.
  11. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    black wher you @ in DC

    im down in fairfax :)
  12. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought you knew... Fairfax VA also. Went to Edison.

    Back on topic tho, yeah, if my mom's ok with letting you stay in my room with my box, then you're gold.
    #12 Black Theorem, Feb 16, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  13. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    o soz i didnt kno (or I 4got) ):

    im in gmu's dorm so any1 can stay @ anytime lol
  14. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Well thanks much for all the kind words <3

    I could totally do a commune, I'll keep my eyes open for such a thing. I am very keen on the idea of wooffing, it may be the most valuable thing to keep me going. This will all be very new to me.

    I hope I'll be able to tap into both planning and spontaneity at times. Starting out at least I should be well-prepared, if just to satisfy my Mom, lol.

    Thanks, and affirmative on the Audioslave reference ;)

    I got rid of sooo much stuff a few weeks ago, it felt good. I was just hoping I wasn't coming across as suicidal, getting rid of all my belongings so fast. Most of it went into the goodwill box, but I did get about $500 for all my CDs.

    That may have to happen, I'll try to do that. It wont be naooooo but I hope you understand.

    Unfortunately, insofar as I have priorities, east coast USA is rather low, just because I've been there before (Virginia to Florida, at least). If anything I need to hit up the west coast first and I'm actually quite anxious to get out of the country. Once I get that out of my system, I'll do some domestic digs. I haven't actually been to DC or NY before... a situation that I find intolerable, and it must be dealt with... eventually.
  15. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    As of late, I've been toying with a similar idea. I've never experienced anything, and subsequently don't have any interesting stories to tell. I mean, I've experienced my own unique scenes in life, occasional encounters worthy of note, but hardly anything substantial or inspiring; and when you want to make a career out of telling stories, you're going to need more than that.

    I'm currently in high school, set to graduate early this coming December, and it was my plan to start attending film school immediately thereafter. However, I'm beginning to both doubt my ability, and my interest, yet when I look into my future, I don't want to see myself doing anything else. So now I'm contemplating to go out and find my own story, because it isn't coming to find me. I'd graduate, stick around for a month or so, and then leave with the necessary funds to get me going, and nothing else. No plan, no companions, no looking back. When the pressure is on, I've always managed to pull myself through, and have become well rehearsed in the spontaneous, so none of that bothers me. What bothers me is what I'll leave behind. If I go with it there can be no looking back, and if I don't, well then I'll have hardly gone anywhere.

    Of course, I'd probably contain myself to the United States region, poking foreign territory at most. But, I still have a year to go before such a plan would even be plausible, and my doubts probably won't fade. So good luck to you, and if you can, keep us posted. Perhaps your journey can help inspire mine.
  16. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I am envious. I've been thinking I might want to do that for a while. Maybe you can, at some point go to an airport and just get on the first, random plane and go somewhere totally random? I mean if its a spontaneous journey, then I reckon that'll fit right in.
  17. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    This is the reason I entered the thread.

    Either way, make sure you save shitloads of money and prepare like a motherbitch. Have fun :D
  18. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1nce u get 2 euro is prtty cheap 2 travel, use the train or walk; cud b the best yrs of yur lyfe.
  19. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Now that's what I'm talking about!! I hope you're able to make this happen. The way I see it, is even if things go badly, it's still good experience (which is the point entirely).
  20. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    FBU I coulda sworn there wasn't an accent in España, just the tilde on the n...

    You should get various certifications before you go, like Scuba and such...

    If you are ever in the DFW area of texas, you must be there in early February or late January, to see the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo.

    If you are ever in San Antonio, TX, hit up San Jacinto and the Alamo.

    If you are in Belize, Mayan Ruins or Snorkeling/Scuba Diving at the reef...

    Technically I might "See the World"
    After all I am planning on going through college through the United States Navy and becoming a nuclear engineer on a Carrier, Destroyer, or Submarine. Working on a CVN would be a dream...

    Once a bridge is built between siberia and alaska, as well as the completion of the Pan American highway (colombia is the only non built piece), I would love to drive from Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina to Cape Town, South Africa.
    #20 stouf761, Feb 22, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2010

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