I am so confused with the spawns

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Niel15, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Niel15

    Niel15 Forerunner

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    I really have a lot to ask you guys. I need to know everything about spawns. First question: Can anybody explain to me the objects under spawns? I know what the initial spawn points and respawn points are, but what about the others?
  2. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    1. Initial loadout camera: This is what is shown when you are choosing your loadout.
    2. Respawn zone: this increases the chance of someone spawning in any respawn point inside this.
    3. Respawn zone, weak: Same as 2. but less so.
    4. Respawn zone, anti: same as 2, but instead of inceasing it decreases.
    5. Safe areas: ??????????????NO CLUE??????????????
    6. Kill zone: If you go into this area, you die
    7. Soft kill zone: If you go into this area and stay for 10 seconds, you die
  3. Norbo11

    Norbo11 Forerunner

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    Basically what kill11488 said.
    Safe zones act like kill zones. But it works the other way around.
    If you are in a safe zone, you are good. The moment you go out, you die.
    soft safe zone is the same, but when you go out of one, you die after 10 secs.
  4. Niel15

    Niel15 Forerunner

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    Thanks, that's a big help. Like <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> that big
  5. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    There's actually a really good post on how respawn zones work in Halo 3 (which I assume are at least close if not identical in Halo Reach) somewhere on this board... Here it is.

    I am still struggling with respawns myself, but that post, along with the the Forge Required Objects Guide on Bungie's Forum got me rolling...

    To explain the Safe Zone and Soft Safe Zone a little better, they are similar to kill zones, but also a little different.

    1. If you have only one Safe Zone on your map, the players MUST be inside of it. If a player leaves that Safe Zone, he will die instantly.
    2. Soft Safe Zones are most commonly used to define the playable area of a map. Rather than placing multiple Soft Kill Zones around your playable area, you might be able to (and this depends on your map of course) place just one Soft Safe Zone. Any player who leaves the Soft Safe Zone will get the "You have 10 seconds to return to the battle" message.
    3. A good rule of thumb is to place Soft Safe Zones to define the playable area of your map, and then place Kill Zones outside of that in places where you absolutely don't want players to go.
    I haven't experimented with this, but I suspect that you could "frame" your map with just two Safe Zones rather than multiple Kill Zones. Place a Soft Safe Zone over the playable area of your map, then place a slightly larger dimensioned Safe Zone in the same location...
    EDIT: The Soft Safe Zone inside a Safe Zone theory has been proven wrong... Everything else should work as described...
    Anyway, hope that helps...
    #5 Mallias, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  6. Niel15

    Niel15 Forerunner

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    Now can anybody tell me how to make weapons and other objects instantly respawn? Mostly weapons.
  7. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    almost right with the soft safe zones, but I've experimented and I think even bungie said.. but if you have soft safe zones on the map, and even ONE safe zone on the map, it will override the soft safe zone and "turn it into" a safe zone.. so the effects of the soft safe zone, would be the same as the safe zone..
    Also I havent experimented with spawning them in at different times, but I'm pretty sure its the same thing
  8. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    Not sure about all objects, and not sitting in front of Forge to experiment, but with Weapons this is easy!

    Each weapon object in forge has a number of options associated with it (you can view these options by highlighting the object and pressing the "X" button).

    One of these options is Respawn Rate. This is a number ranging from 1-180 (or never) that represents the number of seconds between each respawn. If you set this to 1, then the weapon will respawn in 1 second... close to the same as an instant respawn.

    There are a number of other options as well:
    Spare Clips: This is the number of additional reloads the weapon has when picked up. If you set this to "0", the weapon will still have ammunition, just no reloads.

    Place at Start: Obviously, this tells the game whether to place the weapon at the start or wait the selected respawn time for the weapon to appear after the game begins.

    Symmetry: This tells the game whether the weapon should be placed during either a symmetrical game mode, asymmetrical game mode, or both. Basically, as near as I can tell, this is the same as FFA vs. Team play.
    EDIT: Regarding placing a Soft Safe Zone inside a Safe Zone... That makes sense. Safe Zones and Kill Zones have a higher "priority" than Soft Safe Zones and Soft Kill Zones... I should have thought of that... As I mentioned, I hadn't tested it... Thanks for the clarification.
    #8 Mallias, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  9. misterxboxnj

    misterxboxnj Ancient
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    Be Careful with safe zones, they are meant to set the limits of your entire map. I thought it was a zone in which anyone who was in it couldn't be killed so I tried to use it to protect a spawn point and when I went to test the map I kept falling to my death as soon as I spawned into anywhere outside where the safe area was.
  10. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    Symmetrical and Asymmetrical are not the same as the team only and FFA only labels. Symmetric games are games where the objective for both teams is the same, and asymmetric games are games where the objective for both teams are different.

    Examples: Neutral Bomb: Symmetrical
    One Flag: Asymmetrical
    Slayer: Symmetrical
    Infection: Asymmetrical
  11. Mallias

    Mallias Forerunner

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    Got it. That makes more sense.
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    High run time max and a respawn time of one will make almost instant respawns.

    Respawn zones will block any respawn points outside for whichever team it select. Weak respawn zones do not.

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