I chalnge 4ll tu a F0Rg3 0Ff!!!! (I challenge anyone to a forge off) W3 w1l m4k3 411 50rt5 0f m4p5, big an sM4lL!!! (The challenge will be of small maps and of big maps) phir5t oen 2 finsh t3h m4p 1s winnar!!@!@!! 1 (The First one to complete his or her map, wins.) 4n3 1 uP 4 1t??!@ (Any one up for a challenge?) My GT is Scopulus.
umm, i throw down three open boxes, one in the middle, 2 on each side, bam i win? (contest was first one done wins) pwnt also, anyone could be near completion, and then just be all like, oh mah gawed aym so pr0 luke how quix i beeet ur azz! -_- scopulus = pwnt