But it wasn't because of what someone did, it was because I had such a cool idea in my head and tried making it in forge, but it doesn't work as well (or at all) as I hoped it would. My idea was to make a map that had "destructible terrain". I tried making walls out of crates that you had to throw nades thru little cracks and behind the crates were explosives so the wall would come tumbling down and you could get the weapon that was hidden and it would unlock a new area of the map, but sadly it doesn't work. Also I had an idea where there was a bridge made of pallets (that's not the original idea), but after it was destroyed extra pallets would spawn and you would have to "build" the bridge by moving pallets that were in a pile onto the teleporter nodes to "build" a bridge across a big gap. There was so much stuff I was gonna do but now that I have tried making it it has failed. Such a good idea put to waste =(. I give this idea to anyone who thinks they can make a working model of my idea and prove me wrong that there can be cool destructible terrain.
Ah, I know how you feel. I get upset and frustrated when ideas don't work. In fact, it happened about 5 minutes ago, because I'm really bad at 'float-interlocking'. Anyway, the best thing you can do is keep trying. You will get it eventually. If not, keep thinking of new ideas, a working one will come soon!
destructible terrain is possible atleast in parts I did a few in my stunt school maps just walls that smashed and stuff, the secret is to use full size barriers and to stack the the main problem is to make just one section of wall takes about 30 minutes of work, though the end results are worth it normally. If you want a link to one of my maps that uses destructible walls just ask as I dont want to post it in an "look Im advertising" kind of way. and the pallet bridge could be done with work its simple a matter of placing the teleporter nodes close enough to allow a smooth flow, I suggest using scaffolding to build from such as a bride ontop of a few barriers or somethingjust to make sure everything is placed perfectly level