I am Legend

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Time Glitch, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    A major camping issue has been resolved. Players used to be able to grab the custom powerup from the top of the base and camp on the 2nd level of the obstacle course. Please re-download the map if you've been experiencing problems.​

    Though the movie is long gone from theaters, this zombie-infested sensation has inspired two great forgers to create the pinaccle of Zombie gametypes. From the creators of Long Road Home, I am Legend is a new approach to the Infection gametype that will leave you begging for more. Combining innovative and fun gameplay and professional grade Forge technique, this map is a perfect blend of fun and technical genius. From obstacle courses to complex puzzles, to just plain shoot 'em up fun, this map has anything and everything Infection fans have come to know and love. Lets get started, shal we? ​

    One of the fundamental reasons this map was built was to give the player a real situational treat. We wanted to make the player literally feel like he or she was in the movie universe. Here's the story behind the map.​

    You and your friends have just been ambushed by a league of raiders, and have been abandoned in your base with nothing but a few guns to defend yourselves with. You slowly realize that the sun is going to set, and soon. When the sun goes down, the zombies will have complete reign of the outside world, and you'll all be dead if you dont act quickly. You have 3 minutes to scavange what you can from the map, re-fortify your base, and survive nightfall.


    The game begins inside the blue base on Standoff, with nothing more than two empty guns to aid you. There are 2 vehicles at your disposal, a Mongoose parked out front, and a Warthog in your underground garage. These will be your primary modes of transportation for the map. ​


    Outside the map are multiple puzzles to be solved and weapons to be collected. But there are also the zombie caves. Long, tall boxes mark the lairs of the zombie hordes. Dont wary too close, or they might wise up and attempt to kill you. Steer clear of these if possible. You have many, many options.​

    First things first: Get organized. You cant do it all on your own, so you'll need to enlist the help of your fellow humans. You're in no danger for the first 3 minutes of the game, so you have some time. There are a number of things you can do to help prepare yourself for zombie invasion. (The main topics will be bolded)​

    Fortify Your Base


    This is very much like what it sounds like. The teleporters surrounding your base are by default blocked, making them potential entry points for Zombies. Two of the three total can be unblocked by shooting down boxes that are set atop teleporter reciever nodes. These are placed up in the air, and can be shot down with the rocket, fuel rod gun, or Warthog Gauss cannon. ​


    The first two are simply a matter of finding them, and shooting them. But heres where the decision making comes in. If you've openned the door to your warthog, you have also opened up another entrance to your base. This one is by far the hardest one to un-block, and requires quite a bit of "halo dexterity". ​


    There is a custom powerup on the top of your base that respawns every 10 seconds, and gives you a very high jump. The powerup lasts for 30 seconds, which is just enough time to complete the obstacle course. Jump on the first bridge after aquiring the powerup, and begin your attempt.​


    You must jump up 2 bridges, jump to reach a distant mancannon that will throw you into a box that contains a teleporter. Sounds hard, right? Well, its supposed to be. When you do succede and get inside the box, and through the teleporter, you will be faced with a pallet blocking a teleporter. Simply melee the pallet to pieces, and you'll have un-blocked the final teleporter. Take the teleporter in front of you to return to the map. ​


    Rescue the Survivor


    Thats right, we've actually had the gaul to imprison someone in this gametype. One human out of your lot will spawn trapped in a weapons locker, with no hope of escape. The only advantage he has is his overabundance of weapons. One of you must take a Warthog or Mongoose and release him from his prison. He is trapped inside the other base's door, just like your warthog. ​


    There is a barrier that covers the only entrance into this fortress, and you must ram it out of the way. Having that accomplished, proccede into the base and collect your loot, and an extra helping hand. Inside this weapons cache lies the Fuel Rod Gun, which is extremely helpful for taking down those ellusive teleporter boxes if your warthog driver/gunner happens to be an idiot. ​


    The weapons cache can fully arm about 3 people, which is extremely helpful as a time saver.​

    Scavange the Map

    This would be something we put a lot of work into, considering it is the main part of the map. This is really where the inginuity and brainwork comes into the map, because we're not going to tell you much about this. It leaves a sense of anticipation and surprise in the map, and also gives the player the opportunity to truly explore the map (which is very complex), on his or her own. This will lead to each player developing his or her own strategy, and in turn, a very unique experience per player. Once full knowledge of the map is gained, you can use certain strategies each time, ensuring varied gameplay each time. We will tell you that most of the good weapons require a bit of searching and thinking to find. However, some basic weapons can still be found strewn throughout the map, and can be easily picked up and and used. The puzzles arent too hard, and require only a simple task such as melee or jump. Mainly, this part of the map requires patience and observance. ​

    Times Up


    As much as you would like more time, we simply couldnt give it to you. 30 seconds before the Zombies are released, a noisemaker spawns in the center of the map, sending annoying wooshes of mancannon noise ringing in everyones ears. When you hear or see this, start getting back to base. Its a good idea, no matter how much you want to stay outside. Stragglers will be killed, and quickly. This leads perfectly to the next topic...​

    The Zombies


    The zombies in this game have the hardest job of all. They have to wait. Unfortunatley, we have to give the humans the proper time to prepare themselves, so zombies must be patient. Luckily, if you play this with a big enough party, the zombies will get to talk amongst themselves. A bit of zombie-on-zombie bonding if you will. 3 minutes into the game, gravity lifts will spawn and release them into the open. They move at 200% faster speed, but have very little damage resistance. This will give them the advantage they need to overtake any stragglers on the map, but will prove challenging when assaulting the base. Though they do not have Radar, the humans have indicators over their heads, showing the zombies where they are at all times. The Zombies must work together to achieve any kind of progress against a well armed, well fortified human force. ​

    However, there is an upside to all this. If the humans have completley failed at organizing any kind of cohesion, and have completley ignored the noisemaker, the zombies will make quick work of the situation. ​


    Hopefully, this doesnt happen, because it makes for a pretty bad game for both sides.​



    Well, now that you've gotten back to the base with your weapons, your last task is to simply survive. We all know that these gametypes arent built for the humans to win, but this one can be surprisingly long lasting depending on the skill and teamwork of the humans vs zombies. This is the "shoot em up" part of the map, where the game simply turns into another routine version of Zombies. ​


    The last man standing represents Will Smith in the movie. He is a bit more powerful, faster, and more resistant to damage than his human counterparts. You can last a while as a smart Will Smith.​

    We put a 30 minute timer on the game...And if you survive that long...​

    You truly are a Legend​

    Creators Notes and Download

    Yeah, I'm going to blabber on a bit before you get the link you're probably slobbering for. But this is important information. This map went through many many versions, and has been play-tested to perfection. I doubt you'll find much wrong with the map, and if you do, you're probably missing something or misunderstanding an aspect of the map. Please keep in mind, this is a VERY complicated game. It's not considered a map you can simply throw out to a party and expect them to understand it. It really is almost a different game entirley. This map was designed for groups that have some kind of maturity beyond "Shoot everything immediatley". If you have a dedicated party, I highly reccommend you give this a try. After a few rounds of getting used to the game, it will become very enjoyable for all. Its simply a game you have to try and play for a while before you get into a good groove. That being said, I really hope you end up enjoying this map, and treasuring it for a long time. ​

    This game is recommended for 6+ players.​

    Some of the screenshots are a bit outdated, so actual map geometry will differ slightly in some areas. However, nothing will hinder gameplay. This thread was meant to give you beginners knowledge of this map. Enjoy finding out more and more about it.​

    Good luck, survivors.​

    Time Glitch and Y4ZT ​


    All screenshots actually taken from "I am Legend" games.
    This gametype is for free use, but not for copying. Dont claim it as your own.

    We are in vB now same as halogrid so is safe to copy over :) -penguinish
    #1 Time Glitch, Mar 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
    EpicFishFingers likes this.
  2. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    How about you just copy and paste the entire thing right here. Or else it will probably be locked.
  3. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    Image tags and stuff dont match up. It would be an absolute ***** to recreate.
  4. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    Well its going to be locked because it has to be here. I mean yes I did see it and it looks gorgeous but maybe just recreate it with a smaller description and fewer pictures? I mean just choose like 5 pictures and a 2 paragraph description. It isnt that hard although getting it onto imageshack and embedding them may be a little difficult. And here I just typed a Two paragraph description of what you should do. Now that wasnt hard at all.
  5. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    We'll see.

    I dont think someones really going to care if I created the thread here or there. If it gets locked, so be it. Its not the kind of thing that can be summarized in a few paragraphs with a few pictures. The entire thing needs to be explained. If I have to recreate it here, I will. But if nobody gets anal about it, I think I wont be any worse off. Plus, all the pictures are too big for this forum thread...Id have to resize them all. I'd really rather not do that =).
  6. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    Looks like a great map! I would reccomend posting the download links on this thread aswell so viewers don't have to go to the Halogrid thread.
  7. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    You've got a good point. Still 4.5/5 Great map from the looks.
  8. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    Ooo...Yeah Im gonna do that.

    Thanks for the suggestion =)
  9. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    Dude this map looks awesome, I'll definitely DL when I get my box back.

    *Off Topic* Why are you a Respected Member? Not to sound impudent or anything I was just wondering.
  10. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    Im the guy that does the Forging 101 videos every week.
  11. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    They're good videos too.

    This looks like a lot of fun. It sort of reminds me of Zombie Survival on Gmod. Boarded up in a house with zombies moaning around. Good fun. That reminds me, I need to re-install that game.

  12. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    Wow, that map looks amazingly complex and awesome. I was goint to post that you really should embed pics and a better description because it is a standard at forge hub, but I understand it would take forever to do all those pics. 5/5 all the way.
  13. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    Ill have to check that Gmod thing out...sounds cool...

    Glad you like the vids =)
  14. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

  15. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    that sounds like an amazing map with way more work put into it than most.
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    Time Glitch I am really happy you have finally posted this.

    Let me tell everyone one thing.

    This map is so addictive that we had the same party playing it from 12 Midnight to 4Am; seriously.

    Everytime Time Glitch is on, Im like "LETS PLAY I AM LEGEND"

    It is a very unique map and if played right is really addictive.
  17. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry

    Looks cool and finally a good map that is not on foundrey :)
  18. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    This map ...IS LEGEND
    lol but it looks awesome DLing now,
    and dont listen to them the thread on that other site looks so well written and cool that you definately couldnt try and match it over here
  19. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    this is a nice, sophisticated break from the usualy "super-speed super-damage zombies on sandtrap"
    i look forward to playing this with a very large party.
  20. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Re: I am Legend: A smart, fun, very original zombie map. (Not the one on Foundry)

    So hows everyone liking their first plays?

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