I am Legend: Revisited (New Map)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Time Glitch, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Hello again ForgeHub, and welcome to Time Glitch and Y4ZT's latest project. As some of you know, I am Legend/Nightfall has been nominated as one of the Top 3 maps in ForgeHubs yearly "Best of Forge" maps. Even though we knew we would never beat out Lost Chambers, we were really excited that we placed this high in the rankings. This inspired us to re-look the old classic. What we've done with I am Legend: Revisited is completley rebuild the map from the ground up. Using the Unlimited Budget Glitch, we've been able to streamline, perfect, and ultimatley make this map better than it ever has been before. No more annoying camping glitches, no more letting the zombies out earlier, no more problems! You can finally enjoy this map as it was ment to be played, and have the same experience you always did. Everything is as you remember it (With a few minor changes we'll point out), and re-adapted in a glitch-free environment. This is one download you wont want to miss.​

    For those of you new to I am Legend, this gametype is loosley based on the I am Legend movie, with its own backstory and gameplay tweaks. You dont actually play as Robert Neville, but it takes place in the same story, and you get that "survivor" vibe. Firstly, heres the backstory:​

    You and your friends have just been ambushed by a league of raiders, and have been abandoned in your base with nothing but a few guns to defend yourselves with. You slowly realize that the sun is going to set, and soon. When the sun goes down, the zombies will have complete reign of the outside world, and you'll all be dead if you dont act quickly. You have 3 minutes to scavange what you can from the map, re-fortify your base, and survive nightfall.

    So what does this mean? The game starts you with nothing except your plasma pistol and your wits. You have 3 minutes to scavange the map for weapons, re-fortify your base walls, and survive the night. But the game is much...much more complicated than that...​

    The Basics


    As you know, you have 3 minutes to complete your tasks.The game starts out in the blue base on Standoff. There are a few guns lying around the base, but nothing near the kind of firepower you're going to need to survive. To aid you in your efforts, we've supplied you with a total of 3 vehicles. You have one mongoose sitting outside your base, one mongoose in your storage room, and one Warthog in your underground locker. These will be essential to completing your tasks. ​

    The first thing you need to do is get organized. You cannot do everything alone and hope to make it out alive. You have to work together. Figure out who's doing what, and what they're using to do it. Now what do you do? Well...​

    Fortify Your Base


    Your priority task is to repair the damage to your base. At the beginnings of each round, and until you re-fortify them, all the teleporters that you see in your base are blocked. This means you can pass right through them without consequence. This means zombies can get in. You dont want that.Your goal is to reactivate these teleporters by completing several tasks in the map. ​


    The first two teleporter boxes can be seen floating very high in the sky. They can be tough to spot, but once you know where they are, its very easy to find them again. To un-block the teleporters, take some kind of long range explosive weapon and knock over the boxes. This could be any combination of the Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod Gun, or Warthog Gauss turret. These 2 teleporters are easy. The third is a bit different.​

    The third teleporter lies at the end of your base tunnel, and is part of a choice you must make. If you want the warthog in the map, you can open this section of the base using the switch. But, if you do this, you also open up another entrance to your base. You can block it off, same as the others, except this one isnt done using the box technique.​


    To begin the process of unblocking this teleporter, head to the top of your base. Next to the giant box, you should see a custom powerup. This powerup allows you to jump on top of the box, and allows you to get into the Grav-coaster itself. Pick it up and get on top of the box.​


    On the top of the box, there is a gravity lift. Look up, and you'll see two mancannons above you, and a teleporter above that. Aim for the teleporter and step in. You should be flung upwards and into the mancannons. ​

    When you go through the teleporter, you'll be transported into yet another tunnel of mancannons. But you'll also hit a fusion coil. This is good. The fusion coil is set on a min/max switch that unblocks the actual reciever node. The fusion coil will pop once you hit it, and the switch will be complete. ​


    With a bit of luck, and no lag, you should be flung directly back inside the map, no harm done other than a bit of a bonk on the head, if you will. You can also, for a brief moment, taunt your Zombies. They get funny when they're mad =). Anyway, on to the next objective.​

    Rescue the Survivor


    Yes...we put someone in a box. A box full of weapons, that is. He's actually trapped in the other bases locked door, like your warthog. You can get to him, and you'll have a few weapons left when you get to him. Mainly, you want to rescue this guy to have some awesome weapons on your side. The Fuel Rod Gun and extra Shotguns will help things out a lot. ​


    The base is naturally boarded up, but we've given you an avenue of entrance. On the far side of the base, there are two barriers you can ram with a warthog to get them out of the way. Once inside, you hit the switch, and you're both home free. Beware of idiots who want free weapons too, they'll camp outside the base doors and get there before you can.​

    I recommend the boothammer. ​


    The Fuel Rod cannon rods look aweful purdy taking down those illusive teleporter boxes...​



    One of the essential and most exciting parts about I am Legend is the ability to scavange the map thouroughly for weapons. We put lots of consideration into weapon placement, and we've kept many of the weapon spawns similar to the orginal. With the Unlimited Budget Glitch, we've also been able to make more weapons, enabling larger parties to get the same ammount of ammo and firepower that the smaller parties can. ​

    The complete weapons inventory for this map is as follows:​

    15 x Assault Rifles
    13 x Battle Rifles
    4 x Carbines
    8 x Shotguns
    11 x SMGs
    3 x Sniper Rifles
    2 x Rocket Launchers
    1 x Spartan Laser
    3 x Machine Gun Turrets
    1 x Brute Shot
    2 x Gravity Hammers
    1 x Fuel Rod Gun
    13 x Magnums
    1 x Flamethrower
    2 x Needlers
    1x Beam Rifle
    1 x Sentinel Beam
    2 x FireBomb Grenades
    1 x Trip Mine​

    Most of these "power weapons" are VERY well hidden. We've also added a few new little puzzles for some of them to mess with your head, we'll see if you can find them...​

    One of the greatest things about allowing players to choose their own weapons is that you'll have a unique experience each time, and eventually develop your own strategies. Not everyone needs to run the teleporter routines, and you'll have people who really like to do that anyway. You'll have lots of fun over the course of this map finding your own path, developing your own little way of doing things. And if someone in the party happens to mess up your plans (i.e. Kill you by accadent, Take your weapons), you can always be ready with a backup, or you can just think on your feet. Either way, you'll have a good time getting to customize your own survival experience. ​

    Times Up


    As much as we'd love to give you more than 3 minutes, the game doesnt let us. But, we'll give you warnings. For starters, you have a game timer in your HUD, but we've also supplied you with something visual. Custom powerups spawn at certain intervals in the maps durration. There are 3 in total. The first spawns when you have one minute remaining before the zombies come out. The 2nd spawns when you have 30 seconds to go. The 3rd spawns signaling the zombies release. We changed this from the 30 second alarm box because of resources, but we also thought it got a bit annoying after a while...This way is silent, and effective. You can look at the center at the map at any time and get a good idea of where you are along the timeline. ​

    By the time the Zombies get released, you should be back in the base. If you dont, the Zombies will get you...And heres why.​

    The Zombies

    *Group Picture everybody! (I cant belive I got this shot)​

    So here we have our zombies. These guys are quite the predicament. The zombie count is set to 3. But dont underestimate them. On the outside, their excess speed will give them a massive advantage. Trust me, they'll pick off those who think the base is too good for you. ​


    You arrogant punks.​

    But on the inside of the base, you should be much safer, especially if you blocked all your teleporters, and have a large number of fully-armed humans. ​

    Also, we've changed the Zombie experience dramatically from the original I am Legend. The zombies used to be stuck in boring boxes, unable to see or do anything. This time arround, we really didnt want people to quit because of this. The zombies now have a bit of a VIP view of the game, if you will. Their skybox allows them to see whats going on on the map at all times, and formulate their strategies accordingly. They'll know if you miss that one little teleporter...​


    This also allows them to move around more, interact with each other, and ultimatley be less bored. Besides, who doesnt want to watch a bunch of ant-humans and observe their retarded behavior? ​

    Human Survival


    And so you've gotten to it. All that hard work, all that preparing, now its time to see if you did good. This now plays like your typical version of zombies, and you'll finally get to see some action. If your teamwork is good and your aim is steady, you can survive for a LONG time. But you'll probably get whittled down to a few people. ​


    The Last Man Standing is supposed to represent Robert Neville in the film. He is now alone in his house, with only his guns. We gave him extra damage resistance (His immunity to the virus), so it takes 2 hits to kill him. Surprisingly, you can survive a while on your own with that simple change. Personally, my record is 30 or so kills as the Last Man.​

    Creators Notes and Download

    So, those of you who already know this part, you can go ahead and skip this. Just know that there are a few minor weapon spawn changes, and thats pretty much it for you. For the rest of you, I'm going to copy and paste my shpeal from the previous thread.​

    Yeah, I'm going to blabber on a bit before you get the link you're probably slobbering for. But this is important information. This map went through many many versions, and has been play-tested to perfection. I doubt you'll find much wrong with the map, and if you do, you're probably missing something or misunderstanding an aspect of the map. Please keep in mind, this is a VERY complicated game. It's not considered a map you can simply throw out to a party and expect them to understand it. It really is almost a different game entirley. This map was designed for groups that have some kind of maturity beyond "Shoot everything immediatley". If you have a dedicated party, I highly reccommend you give this a try. After a few rounds of getting used to the game, it will become very enjoyable for all. Its simply a game you have to try and play for a while before you get into a good groove. That being said, I really hope you end up enjoying this map, and treasuring it for a long time.
    So thats your maturity speech. I dont need to re-state anything. ​

    The new map is renamed Nightfall Rev, and gametype is I am Legend Rev, so you can tell the difference between this one and the old one (If you want to keep the old one for some reason). Anyway, on to the download!
    This game is reccomended for 6+ players.​

    Thank you to everyone who supported this map throughout its lifetime, and to everyone whos downloaded the original map. You've made this game what it is today, and you inspired us to remake it. The original map and game have just hit over 1000 downloads, officially breaking the record for our most-viewed map. With your continued support and help, you can get this new map out there even further and make this a game the majority of the community can know and enjoy. Thank you again so much, and enjoy the game.​

    Y4ZT and Time Glitch

    All screenshots taken from actual I am Legend games.

    Dont copy, its not nice, and we'll find you.

    I am Legend: A Game History

    For those of you so interested, I decided to write up a little piece on the history of this game, kinda a behind the scenes look if you will. I dont have screens, but I wish I did. Oh well, here goes.​

    I am Legend began around the time that the new Heroic maps came out. Y4ZT and I had just seen the movie, and knew immediatly we needed to do a gametype about it before anyone else did. Dillon (Thats his name), suggested we do a house gametype, much like the I am Legend games we see on Foundry. But I had something different in mind. I thought about what the essentialls were that made I am Legend awesome. It was that "Last man on earth" thing. So I began devising a way to make that into Halo. Eventually I stumbled around the idea of an urget time limit and scavanging. We started with this, and began Forging.​

    At first, things went slowly. We had some issues figuring out ways to make the weapons hidden, and the various camping areas uncampable. Another problem was releasing the zombies later in the map. That was quickly taken care of once we investigated timed map events. Put zombie in box, lift, boom. We had a pretty sloppy version of the map, and we needed something to improve it. At first, we had the idea of using the mongoose to move crates into position inside the bases to block it off, but we were quickly confronted with the fact that crates dissapear...(Thats still a pet peeve of mine)​

    So it was all back to square one. We scrapped the map and started over. I was thinking and thinking, but couldnt figure out what the hell to use as blockers, and I was about ready to give up, when Dillon had a genius idea. To our knowledge, it hadnt been used before. The idea was using teleporters as closeable doors. I lept on the idea and began applying it practically. ​

    We set up our 3 doors, and damn were we proud. But in play testing, we found that it was much too easy to simply grab the rockets or fuel rod guns and take care of the teleporters. It got boring. So I devised a little plan.​

    I figured in using the Custom Powerup to create an obstacle course in the sky, as seen in the original version. The first version of this was crude, but effective. Somehow, we got a pallet to block a teleporter, and we were in business. But of course, this led to camping, and lots of other issues. We couldnt fix it, so we employed the boothammer when neccicary...​

    While all that was going on, we also deemed in neccicary to have more goals. Thats where the impisonment idea came from. Dillon came up with it, and we applied it aptly using starting and respawn points. But then we had problems again. There was a gravity lift on the map that was at first used to push the barrier out of the way so you could free the survivor. But, this became very...useful...when trying to camp. Once the zombies were free, you could use the grav lift to re-enter their boxes and destroy their grav lifts. This gave you a VERY safe box, one the zombies couldnt even get into. So we had to scrap the grav lift. ​

    Eventually we had the idea of a Warthog. It could easily push the barrier out of the way, and could be used to easily gain access to ammo crates. I was initially very against it because it had a gun. A powerful gun. But Dillon assured me it wouldnt be useful once we adjusted the gametype. It worked for a while.
    Then disaster hit. ​

    By this time, I am Legend had grown a bit in our personal community, and was getting lots of plays. One day, we got hit with a ton of messages complaining about the latest version of the map. Most were garbled or "YER MAP SUX IT HAZ HAKX", but we got the general idea that the warthog was somehow becoming an extreme campability factor. This worried us.​

    At this time, there was no unlimited budget glitch, and we were boned on resources. So we stripped the map of all its asthetics and worked our way down. We finally got confirmed reports that the Warthog could be sat in a certain corner of the map and be nearly untouchable with the right gunner. It wasnt a chaingun, but the Gauss cannon is very accurate, and with other guns backing it up, and a good driver, you can kiss your base goodbye. We needed to fix this, now.​

    My initial idea is still in place today. If you notice, theres an entire section of the map cut off by shield doors. You can walk in if you want, but the warthog can no longer get back there. After we released the map, problems seemed to be solved, and gameplay went on as usual. ​

    Thats pretty much been the story up until today. A week or so ago, I am Legend, or "Nightfall" as Forgehub loves to call it (Because I am Legend is associated way too much with the good and crappy Foundry versions), was nominated multiple times for Best Infection map in their "Best of Forge" competition. I got pumped, Dillon got pumped, and we started formulating plans to rebuild the map with the unlimited budget glitch and new forge techniques we'd picked up building The Zombinaut and I am Legend's sequal, The Storm. Plans were made, and the map was done. There were lots of problems, but all of them highly technical and not at all entertaining. ​

    So in short, it was a *****, be glad you have it.​

    Anyway, thats pretty much it. If you have any comments, leave them here, and if you just love us anyway, send Y4ZT lots of messages saying how much you love us =).​

    Thanks again guys.​
    #1 Time Glitch, Jul 26, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
  2. Widestoned

    Widestoned Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    wow this looks like a better version of i am legend i have ever seen nd theres soooooooo many notes nd pics! i give it a 5/5 for looks but it looks pretty hectic? ill give it a DL
  3. Bretonfish09

    Bretonfish09 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    That was a long post! That looks cool. I like the skybox.
  4. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think you take the cake for longest post of a single map. Also I am so downloading this, hope it in is the next TGIF.
  5. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Time Glitch! Its nice to see you on FH again! Is this the same I am Legend as before or is it different? Regardless I am downloading...
  6. xBahama Boyx

    xBahama Boyx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    too many random floating objects, but very good pictures of your level in action.
  7. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    w00t nice map! i feel like the first one was better though....sorry. 5/5 for the floating and the idea of a remake
  8. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Another classic from Time Glitch.
    But I cant help feel there is something missing compared to the last version.
    Oh well, I might as well take what I got.
    Great job.
  9. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Well, everything should be there, we re-created it including all the things in the previous version.

    Maybe you're missing your obstacle course...And we miss it too, but it was just too campable.
  10. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks like the zombies might have a hard time to kill the humans, but it's very imaginative and some of the best use of forges features that I've ever seen in any map. If you don't mind Infection that is on the difficult side for the infected, this is a must download; otherwise I don't think a person who goes on a nerd rage rant on "camping infection is suxxor" will like it. I think it's more imaginative, better use of movie related ideas and better forged than the I am Legend in foundry so that's excellent. Overall, I think this is worthy of a feature, does anyone agree? 4.5/5
  11. buddy39914

    buddy39914 Ancient
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    Nice Map 5/5

    oh and nice poster lol
  12. Scott12343

    Scott12343 Ancient
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    This may be one of the best maps ive ever seen, its well planed out, it has a great description, and wonderful pics. 5/5, ill give it a download :)
  13. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Very nice guys, you got a definite DL from me. I would offer constructive criticism but there is none, so this may aswell be spam :p

    But i do love that there Skybox :)
  14. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    heyy good job glitch, freat infection map, and one of the best posts ive ever seen. 5/5
  15. Magekid211

    Magekid211 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This isn't just your simple i am legend remake.It's vastly superior to most I've seen.
    It's complicated and that's what I like. Well thought out.5/5.
  16. damarco

    damarco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im in one of the pictures i remember that game we almost survived
    the full 30minutes!!!
  17. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think this is a fantastic job. Your use of timed objects and teleporters is unrivaled. It is a shame you don't post much on FH.
  18. Sage

    Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the new Zombie Box you can't get stuck under a man cannon like Gun Slinger did *points finger and laughs hystarically* *starts rolling on the ground laughing* *gets up wipes the tears from his eyes and hits enter after this*
  19. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    I take a lot of time with maps, mainly because I dont just make maps for the sake of making maps. I only make maps with good ideas, and I take lots of time to develop and test every one of my ideas. Thats why a lot of my maps and games are very good.

    I may not put out a lot of maps, but the ones I do are of the highest quality I can make them.
  20. ORACLE117

    ORACLE117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awsome that was a long a post but an awsome story

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