I have a group that forges maps for people, clans and anyone really but i need some REALLY GOOD forgers that will forge the maps for me. I need as many good forgers as possible. You must be willing to forge the maps when i call on you to do so. Go to [REDACTED] to sign up. You will have to forge: -clan bases/hang outs -slayer maps -infection maps -scenario maps -Must be artistic and creative towards the clan bases and have the ability to make your maps look nice and detailed. -I will ask you to forge a map and give you the specs of what the person wants, you will forge it, and give it to me and i will give it to the person. Also, i am looking for achievment hunters, people who like to get achievments and would be willing to help other people get them, I also need as many as possible for this too you have to be good at getting acheivments and good at things like Campaign and firefight. I need both of these type of people. [REDACTED]
We need more info than 'Good Forgers'... Maybe what types of maps? Forgers come in different styles and varieties.. Maybe provide credentials of this group? Maybe give us the slightest clue as to what we would be doing other than 'Forging'?
Why do you need forgers to make slayer and infection maps for you when you can just look through our map databases?
Or, you know, you can just make them yourself. Along with your website that you're advertising here. It doesn't seem like much of a reward to go and dish out hours of work.