Well this is my debut map and hope you all enjoy it. the maps idea was conceived an idea of a courtyard battle similar to the repetitive Gears scenarios, i slept on it, i woke the next morning at started up a forge on foundry. so i started to plan the sheets out and Dysteric was created. i sent it over to the guys at the Testers Guild and i got a fairly nice review from them. i recreated the map with there tips and gave it the name Hysteric V.2 now its available for the community to review and give me a feedback as i'm taking any constructive Criticism so here it is... Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Pictures>> This is me touching up and updating most known exploits If you take the GravLifts for a spin you'll be boosted up to the second floor (2 on each corner of the map) 2 BRs and the box houses the shotgun the teleporter is a last resort if you take it you'll appear at the platforms for a quick escape this is a picture i took during testing. it looks like caboose from RvB explaining the BR to idiots (the irony) Please download at comment as i need to learn from some of the Pro's Slayer FFA 2-3 players or Team Doubles SH
Looks pretty good, and I do like the stairs in the side of the wall at that angle. Nonetheless, more height variations would really improve the map. Does the rocket launcher only have 2 shots?
Yes this is due to balancing and a tip from the TRG so it makes the game mode so more fun. DL and give me feedback thanks SH