I LOVED Boarding Action! Me and my friends would play a game called Manhunt on it where everyone's invis and has snipers. It had that "only score for killing designated target" thing. Designated target had a waypoint over their head. SUPAH FUN
I forgot what boarding action looked like but when I saw this I instantly remembered. Its like a mini remake of it. Great job! 5/5 and a DL from me. Btw only one man cannon can get pretty hectic.
I meant that when playing ctf it gets really crazy when someone gets the flag and tries to go off the man cannon but theres 3 people waiting for him and then ppl from the other side have to come rescue him and all that epic stuff happens. Dont get me wrong I love this map but the man cannons get crowded and it causes lots of chaos. I mean that in a good way though. I just played 6v6 ctf w/ rockets on this map just for fun and ppl were getting up to 30+kills per round. It ended w/ a 1-1 tie.
looks really fun and one thing that i think this would work is maybe you can interlock the bridge into the mancannon so it is an invisible lift
I LOVE halo maps. they were unique and set floors for all that has been great in halo 3. i was actually going to work on a boarding action map when i got home and never thought to use the area above blackout. IF i get going do you wanna help out to? got some ideas that will blow the top off the map once its completed lol well done man. I congratulate you on this map. if only blackout had the resources of foundry, then this truly could become boarding action. 10/10. as a first attempt to this type of map.
For a map that didnt use the unlimited money glitch it is very good , but whats wrong is because of that you couldnt put any more detail. It a great map i must admit but with those extra materials you could have so much potential , 4/5 so far but if you decide to make a v2 i suggest you use the glitch so you can use doors and such for added cover and more playability.
That would force me to re-do the map. Which I don't want to do, but it would bring the map to its full potential. I'll think about it.
This kind of reminds me of boarding action which is just one of the many reasons that I like this. Nice Job
this is very original and i think someone will take your idea and possible create a more open one with more space if some really good map comes out of this we thank you very much for starting it all you basically just gave birth to a whole new breed of maps
Great BA inspired map. It's very eerie looking, and may I ask how you got those structures out there?
Fly until you hit the invisible barrier, and then spawn a receiver/two way node, and it should spawn outside the map. Then save and quit.