Hyperion Latest Version 05.06.2013 - Created by Roughsta "This is my 9th Halo 4 map and I put a lot of thought in each detail... It's a "watertight" symmetric map which is split up by a big trench. There are some unique aesthetics and smooth integrated pallets and explosives to explore... I hope you are curious enough to give this one a download^^ Initial Ordnance: 1x Binary Rifle 180s 1x Sticky Detonator 180s 1x Scattershot 180s 1x Energy Sword 180s 1x Railgun 180s 2x Needler 180s 2x 2 Frag Grenades 120s 2x 2 Plasma Grenades 120s 2x 2 Impulse Grenades 120s Random Ordnance: None Weapons on Map: 2x Battle Rifle 60s 2x Light Rifle 60s 2x Assault Rifle 60s 2x Storm Rifle 60s 2x Suppressor 60s 2x Covenant Carbine 60s 2x DMR 60s Armor Abilities/ Powerups on Map: None Supported Vehicles: None Trait Zones: 1x 200% gravity at the top, to ensure no one gets out with a jetpack... Budget: 9995/10000 Walkthrough Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHjuXMt_ZjI&feature=youtube_gdata_player Multi-Team Gameplay Video of the latest version of the map: Part 1/2 All pics of the latest version: If you take a closer look at my maps, you will definetly notice how much work and time I spent on forging... I'm always trying to serve you unique clean forged quality maps. I'll keep testing my maps to improve them over and over again, so please send me a message on Xbox Live if you want me to add you as a test member... Thanks for all constructive critics, comments and likes!
Welcome to Forgehub! Your map post is required to have pictures of your map. You must also host the map in your file share for it to be eligible for posting on our forums. Please contact me if you have any problems doing this. Any post in this thread will be considered spam until pictures are posted! In 24 hours if no picture is up, I will lock this thread. >Here< is a map posting template that will help you get started if you're having troubles. Good luck!
at first glance this looks decent. you've managed to build UNSC pieces into the forerunner structure and not have it clash as bad as it naturally should, so that's a good thing! only suggestion right now is to do something different with some of those 5x1 flats that you have as ramps and walkways. It makes the different areas look more shoddily connected rather than being intended to connect from the onset of your design. pic #2 is the one that illustrates what I'm referring to. happy forging
Thank you, just message me on xbox live if you want me to take you to a walkthrough ;-) Some things on the map may not be discovered quickly by everyone... Thanks for the input... I agree with the 5x1 pieces (since I updated the thread it's pic #1 now), but to me it was a budget and gameplay based decision to place them this way at near the end of the building process. Have you already tested the map? Maybe then it would be more clear for you... If I would have placed them in the same angle it would be too steep, or there wouldn't be enough place to walk under the structure above... Maybe I'll find another way to connect them, but it will be hard to find something that I can remove to gain some more budget for more pieces to create a different connection^^ Please checkout the new version that is available now... I hope the new pics give you a better insight into the whole map^^ ;-)
I like your use of the Forerunner structure, although I think some of the ramps could be better articulated
Thanks again for the constructive design critics! I changed the positioning of the 5x1 ramps now and uploaded the new version... Please tell me if you think it looks better now too... In my opinion the new solution is way better, even for the game play! =)
Thank you for the nice comment and for hitting the "like" button! It would be nice to see you at a test game... Please message me on Xbox Live if you are interested.^^ I just uploaded a new version of the map, with a few aesthetic improvements that you can see in the updated pictures... =) Today I uploaded another updated version with huge gameplay improvements and the addition of multi team and extraction support! Please check it out and let me know what you think... The pictures will be updated in a few hours ;-)
Will do. We will have to fly through together tonight, if we are both on at the same time. Roughsta, did you check out the Sanctorium map thread I started? I finished that map I was show you the other night. CV
yea, I like the changes in the first pic with those ramps. it looks classier and meant to be there rather than an afterthought.
Yes I will check it out as soon as possible and give you some feedback... =) j Thanks! Nice that you like it =) ... I just uploaded a youtube video of a 4v4 match I just had on the latest version of the map. For now I just leave the old pics so you can spot the improvements between the old and new version in the video... Please let me know what you think about it guys... Another updated version is linked now. I added some killzones to eliminate some jetpack outbrakes of the map that I found out where possible before...
The latest version which I uploaded today, has 4 new weapons and some detail aesthetic improvements + a bigger hard killing zone around the map... In one of the test games yesterday, a player (thank you Sniping87!) found another way to breakout... This is fixed now =)
I will try and catch up with you next time we are on H4 together. Show me the updated map, and I will show you what I have done to Vanguard and my new map, Overneath. CV
Yes, I can't wait to do that =) ! Seems like you have done a lot of interesting changes on Vanguard... Now I just uploaded the pictures of the latest version of Hyperion... I found some good ways to spend the money on more important stuff like covers and some more weapons on the map. Luckily it also gave the map an even more interesting look I think. As always I'd appreciate it to get some feedback on it, of the forgehub community... Thanks for downloading the updates... I know there where many versions up in the last days, I hope you where interested enough to catch up with the latest.
Thanks for showing me your recent updates to Hyperion. I like the changes you made. Your maps are always multi-layered and I can't wait to get to do some sizable playtests on them. CV
You're welcome ;-) ! Thank you for reminding me about the forge bugs when uploading files with the same names and description... It's realy annoying if you spend so much time on forging every single detail perfectly fitting, only to see later that the file in the filesharing is actually corrupted with flickering pieces and missfitting parts! Now I fixed this, at least for the newest version of Hyperion. I'll have to check my other maps for similar bugs... Please download the new version if you want to see my true forging skills! I apologize for not retesting the upload for bugs before... I just didn't mention such stupid problems could occur...