OK! lol I'm gonna make a teleporter door soon. But I'm leaving for Getysburg tommorow, and won't be back for a week.
your an idiot, switches are for show for people to use in THIER maps. the switch shouldnt really be called a switch, it doesnt work all the time and you dont really trigger it, well, i guess you do, but its primitive tech.
True, I wsa trying to make something without grav-lifts or man cannons and this is what I came up with though.
not exactly new, actually pretty basic, but good job on makeing it reusable. this isnt the first one either, coyote made on a lot better
This looks really nice, and it could be used well in a infection map or something. Cant really see it being used in a competitive map. About how many objects however does it use? I might use this one a future map.
I like the idea that it doesn't hurt you a lot, but it doesn't work every time? Oh well. Looking forward to seeing some more switches from you. I've never thought to use movable objects like that.
Looks great, I 've been think of making a map like this for while, I 'll dl and tell you what I think.
lolz nice elevator move the custom power up back more then it might work a little better so you dont have to crouch
In my opinion a basic switch is a better and more reliable one. Like this one it isnt necessary to have a thousand boxes pushing you up. It makes more sense to use a simple grav lift and it is definitely more efficient
Is this guy A retard or just really ****ing ignorent? IT'S SUPPOSED TO NOT USE A GRAV-LIFT. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. Now that my billy may's function is turned off, It wouldn't be worth posting if it had a grav-lift.
Ok I make maps but I dont post on here much I mainly read and improve but I never really post the improvements here so for once I am going to post here, instead of making the tunnel airtight and slow so you dont die couldnt you simply make it super fast but put window panels as walls for the elevator so they hit the roof and stop the elevator, just a simple thought you could put all 3 walls except the one you walk in as window panels and then make a roof of som kind maybe a wall single if your lift floor is a crate, just a thought.
@ lemon: The thing is, I don't need to. THe number of crates there perfectly stops at the top. @the reaper: Thanks. Didn't know that.