Hydrogen Plant

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DieHardAssassin, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Hydrogen Plant
    Created by: DieHardAssassin

    If you like long close quarter combat, then this is the type of conquest map for you.

    Hydrogen Plant is a very long, and narrow, winding path up a steady incline to a middle territory.

    There are two main turns on each side, and the 3rd turn leads to the middle territory.

    Weapons line the walls and the walkway all the way to the middle territory, but in the middle, there are no weapons. The Battle Rifle may be difficult to find, it is in a small crack on the first turn of the map ( In the wall to the right ).

    There are 5 Territories.

    Weapon Set:
    4x Spiker
    4x SMG
    2x Battle Rifle
    2x Sniper Rifle
    4x Frag Grenade
    2x Plasma Rifle
    2x Spike Grenade


    Looking down towards Spawn and Territory 1

    Looking at Territory 2 & Sniper Spawn

    Looking from the second territory to the other teams second territory

    Middle Territory, to the left is the second territory

    Looking towards other team's second territory

    Territory 2

    Looking from Spawn to Spawn

    Always busy...


    Conquest v3
    #1 DieHardAssassin, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2009
  2. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excellent map, the merging etc. is perfect, aesthetics beautiful, and all around a great map, love the tunnels,
    awesome views outside 5/5,

    jeesh, if i were you, i wouldn't release three (good) maps in one evening, i would post em one at a time, you could spend more time working on each map/post, and prolly get more recognition,
    but then a gain you are a higher rank than i, so its not up to me to find a method to the madness.
  3. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This does look great, I see vonderful potential in this map. You kinda deviated from your regular conquest maps you have posted already, in making it alot more narrow. Umm, moar pics would be nice, but maybe thats the whole map?? Anyway, I love the barrels for cover, as long as they wouldn't slide out???

    Great Job, but I would have spread em out as well. Jus wipe our memories, and then hack FH, don't go the easy way and ask a mod, and just delete the threads. Then post them later on....lulul
  4. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    Wow. Three conquest maps in a day. But I'm not complaining, I love conquest. This map looks really cool, I've always liked the Hallway kinda idea, but I could never really transfer it to a map. You've done a wonderful job though. I'll have to download later though, you took up the last two Q spots on my list. lol. Keep Forging
  5. Capton Furgler

    Capton Furgler Ancient
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    Im not the biggest fan of conquest but I do have to say that this is pretty good. The merging is good and the design is great. I would its about a 4/5. Dont know what gameplay would be but it does look good so keep on forging.
  6. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    WOW! An amazing map, I'm always impressed by neatness, and this map has it, along with other things. What really amazes me, is that this is your THIRD good map today! For now I'll rate this a 4.5/5 because there's no such thing as a perfect map.) KEEP IT UP!
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    really balanced map, its got all the makings of greatness.
    what i like most about it particularly is how you took a very narrow conquest map and added fence walls to give it more of an open feel, very nice.
  8. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Hey great map and great idea.I love conquest maps and i'm sue a lot of other people do to.Great interlocking with the boxes as the walkway and really nice idea of the conquest map because this map has great gameplay really good weapon placement
  9. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    The territory locations seem to be very balanced and the weapons chosen also. Nading looks really helpful in this map seeing that there are several ramps and cornered walls. I like the aesthetics outside of the map and you remembered to put a shield door in the fence walls. Why put 2 snipers in such an enclosed map?

    Nice job.

    MAP MAKER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i know its something stupid to say but, on the barrel picture it would have taken like 10 seconds to do them all the same colour and it would have looked ten times better. i know its a gay thing to mention but its kinda like my pet peave
    The other asthetics of the map look good aswell as integral to the map!

    Well Done!
  11. zealot of wasps

    zealot of wasps Ancient
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    nice, a good map, it has a good basis[​IMG][​IMG]
  12. zealot of wasps

    zealot of wasps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry, tried to paste a picture there
  13. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    I like this map, and I love conquest, I may be playing this as much as a play Chasm. One thing though.. wouldent the barrels fall over and just get in the way? I know theres a weapon holder but does that support two barrels stacked on one another?? anyways looks pretty cool, 4/5 and DL
  14. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They don't fall over, but they can slip out if they are beat down/ shot / grenaded enough.

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