Haha. I was just messing with ya. Very nice forging skills, though. I checked your map out and I was truly amazed my almost everything. The sniper perch is creative; the curving of the double boxes is cool; the teleporter on the outside that leads you to a bunch of weapons (but nowhere to use them, because you're trapped inside) in an enclosed double box open. The only thing I would suggest on improving is the cover down low. But, it's not that big of a deal. Well, happy forging and will be looking forward to your future maps.
Definitely a good first post. And the map looks like it probably plays pretty well. Here are my issues with the map: -There are a lot or places that could be cleaner... that extra bit of time interlocking things just right will pay off in the end. I promise. -It's really easy to jump out the top of the map. A few new objects'll make it much more difficult. -I'd consider adding a second way into the upper level. It's a bit too tight and linear up there for my liking. -Finally, I don't really like where the man-cannon throws you, but that's mostly a preference thing. If you keep going, I can see you putting out some really good content in the future. Good luck.