
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SaLoT, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. SaLoT

    SaLoT Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Now let me start off by saying this is not the Hybrid that you played on for FFA.
    This is a breed of Onslaught/team Test map so we called it Hybrid.



    Also supports

    Weapons on map

    mauler ( 1 )
    Battle Rifle ( 4 )
    Carbine ( 2 )
    Plasma ( 4 )
    Nades ( 4 )

    Now i have had different version of this map in Onslaught's past but after tweaking and tweaking it has become a whole new map. This map is a beta version and after feedback from players this map could become a great map.

    Red base view
    Another red base view

    Blue base view


    Download Hybrid V1
    Please download and test in 4vs4 games. I do not want feed back on 3vs3 or 2vs2 and 1vs1.
    If some can show me how to get the pictures to show up please let me know.
    Billy Reloaded likes this.
  2. Hamstring07

    Hamstring07 Ancient
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    There's not alot from the pictures but it looks good! I like the walkway thing in the middle.
  3. minato

    minato Ancient
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    This looks like an awesome map. The middle pathway/catwalk looks like it would be a very compacted area of fighting. The only thing I can do to suggest making it better is to add a little more cover in the open areas.
  4. MassDefect

    MassDefect Ancient
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    Nice work dude! 4.9/5!!! One of the best looking maps I've seen thats this open!
    I really like it because it reminds me of a "Hybrid" (LULZ i maed uh pun!) of Sanctuary and Midship... though some may disagree...
    P.S. I hope it has Snipes!
  5. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    For minato, this map doesn't need any more cover, it's already at it's fullest. Maybe you should put comments like that in after you look at the map. Actually, if you were to add more cover, I don't know if people could tell if it was a maze or a map.

    As for Hamstring07, it's a symmetrical MLG map, so both sides are going to be the same, so if you put a mirror up to his pics, you'd have the other sides. Read the description.

    Salot, I'm glad you got this posted on forgehub. Sorry I was lagging so bad during some of the games we played on it. My xbox is in the process of breaking again. I'm D34DEYE btw, when I get it fixed up we should play some customs on hybrid or play some MLG.
    Billy Reloaded likes this.
  6. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Sorry I had to get on this one also. Salot is "xSaLoT" On Xbox live. He made MLG Onslaught and is a very good friend of the makers of MLG Amplified, nexn, kc, etc. And the only time he would need to draw the line if this wasn't his map of if he used pieces from Onslaught or Amplified. (It's not exactly a hybrid of Amplified either, it's a hybrid of TTM and Onslaught, also a key part of information for anyone who knows how to read.) Which isn't the case, this map was made from scratch. And if you read the description of the map or the map download link, you would notice that not only is he the creator of Onslaught, it's supposed to be a "HYBRID" of the two maps, hint hint. (That wouldn't ruin the creative factor.)
  7. Shade9595

    Shade9595 Ancient
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    really great design! the walkway thing in the middle looks great for uber pwnage death from above kills! and your top pictures are the same....
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I though that it was similar to Amplified because of the angled walls above the walkways. I really didn't stress the Amplified similarity until I saw the base design. I also wasn't insulting the map, I like it actually. It just that the Hybrid form just looked very similar to some very previous versions of maps I've seen.

    EDIT: Sorry, a misunderstanding on my part, you did make Onslaught, I just never saw a thread created by you that had that map here. You should mention it in your original post.
    #8 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2008
    TNF likes this.
  9. Spark

    Spark Ancient
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    looks very nice i love the interlocking and things looks like alot of hard work great job! 5/5
  10. SaLoT

    SaLoT Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know that they are sorry.
    I really only showing you a piece of what this map is.
    I want you to download and run customs on it. You will like it i promise.
  11. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    dude this looks very well done. The aesthetics look really well done, but some of them are really overused in many maps. like the the powerups interlocked with the boxes. And i am pretty sure what you are describing a MLG map. The weapon layout is pretty much the same thing and the map layout looks very similar to many MLG maps. If this is not the case, well then that is okay. I just saying this in my opinion looks like a MLG map.
  12. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    This looks like alot of fun. The gameplay looks to be alot of fun, and the map looks great. You should add some action shots to this. 4/5
  13. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Damnit, TNF beat me to the scolds :p Any ways this map looks great, I will try if I ever receive my xbox back :\
    TNF likes this.
  14. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    looks really nice... some action pics would be appreciated... but um i like the layout... and it looks nice overall... put more pics... n more new ideas that would be nice... try n take ur map outside of the FOUNDRY atmosphere... make this angled and round and colorful not square and green... but it does look nice looks like it has alot of playability... 4/5 nice work
    TNF likes this.
  15. XxVIPERxX666

    XxVIPERxX666 Ancient
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    This may just be me, but I notice an uncanny resemblence to MLG Amplified and MLG Onslaught, for example, the middle structure is the same one from Onslaught. And, the two bases are the exact same ones from Onslaught as well, with stuff added and taken away. I'm not impressed due to the fact that this is a copy of MLG Onslaught. 1/5 for originality, 5/5 for aesthetics (the MLG Onslaught part atleast).
  16. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Your making yourself look slow people, he DID make Onslaught, read the posts people make before posting your own. I made that mistake and TNF corrected me. You have to read first people instead of basing your opinion on pictures. As for the map, it's epic. In your original Onslaught, I personally thought you used too many dumpsters. This one has only four from what I can tell. I'm going to download and try it out and then tell me what you think.
  17. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Any posts from here on saying that this map, is Onslaught, looks like/resembles Onslaught or ripped off onslaught and/or amplified will be deleted.

    Anyway, nice to see that you hung around Salot, it's definitely very beneficial for everyone here to see how MLG maps should be made.

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