Hurricane Brawl v.2Halo; but twisted - Turn up you look sensitivity for this one. This is an outdated version Go here to see Version 3! Not avalible for download pm me if you want it Jump into the hurricane with a gravity hammer and a brute shot as your tools of survival. You and your friends (or enemies) fight in a circular arena to the death. The game is very high paced, step out or jump into the current of man cannons aligned in a circle to baffle and assasinate them or just wear them down with the brutes favorite weapons. The map can be played on the following gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Infection, juggernaut, and king of the hill. All gametypes are 2-4 players exept for Infection and Team Slayer, 2-8 players. Note: these are just the gametypes the work, the only ones that are fun is team and ffa slayer and infection. KotH is basicly whoever stays alive. Heres a look at the outside, you you would never see this normaly. And here is the layout from the inside. Here is where you spawn, with a shield door so no shooting, but from the outside the fusioncoils are vulnerable, resulting in the pic to the right. It is not a good idea to camp firstly because id doesn't help you and soon someone will kill you. And heres some photos: (the leg thing in the last pic isn't normal in this game) This is my second post, theres probably tonnes of mistakes and things i can improove on. Please comment
Looks pretty awesome, I've seen this done before but your version definitley looks to be better than most. My only issue is with your spawns, because the fusions coils make it too easy for some random brute shot shell to hit the shield door and spawn kill an unexpecting player. I would remove the fusion coils and put a mancannon on top of the spawn point to launch players into the arena immediately. And this doesn't really belong in competetive maps unfortuately, I'd probably put it as a minigame to keep it from being buried in casual by random infection maps.
No mancannons left and if I used a g lift the players could stand to the side, the fusions are only there so people don't stand and be gay, and if you are playing 2 on 2 there are 4 courners to spawn, and halo doesn't spawn where your enemies are.
Yeah I've seen this before, but looks like you thought this one up youself and put a lot of hard work into. Good Job 5/5.
I feel as though you stole the circle idea from my friend AxS Spade and Sagefox, but I could be mistaken. Their circle was a bit more compact (and crazier) and was meant for machinima.
I have had a LoneWolves Matchmaking game on blackout that would beg to differ right when the game started i spawned literally behind a guy and easy first kill of the game assassination. (Way to go Bungie U messed up Spawns) Although i think what the other guy said with the man cannon idea instead of fusion coild would be better as long as u still have some available.
I did see one post that said this map has already been posted, but I haven't seen it. Anyway, this looks like a funny map to play in. As others have suggested, instantly-respawning, pre-deployed grav lifts held in place by weapon holders would work better than a pile of fusion coils to eliminate camping. Plus, the grav lifts would prevent spawn killing from a random gravity hammer shockwave blowing up the fusion coils. You could also make some fusion coils spawn in the "hurricane" which would then blow up. A wire spool might be fun too... Back on topic, I will DL this ASAP, run around in Forge, then add my thoughts to this post when I'm done. EDIT: This was pretty fun. If you're supposed to stay in the hurricane, something went wrong because I could very easily walk out of the hurricane. Other than that, this map is very simple and looks like fun with 5 or more players. Worth DL'ing if you're a FFA junkie, but team games probably just won't work. I don't play FFA much at all, but this looks like an interesting structure to play FFA Slayer in. I hope they use this for TGIF tonight! That would make for some interesting screens for the recap.