Sandbox Hunter's Inn

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by NinKeith, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    Ducks have infested this Inn. It's up to the hunter to rid this hotel of the infestation.

    Hunters' Inn brings a new twist to the game we've come to know and love, Duck Hunt (let me finish!). Unlike the classic 1 vs All duck hunt game, this duck hunt is made for 4 vs 4, but works up to 6 vs 6.

    How though, does a 4 vs 4 duck hunt work out? It's pretty simple:
    - Each team starts out in a tube with two teleporters.
    - One player from each team goes to the sniper tele, indicated by the wall with the symbol on it.
    - The first person into the sniper tele grabs a custom powerup to allow him to kill the other ducks, and also blocks the tele so nobody else can get into the sniper box.
    - The rest of the players go through the other teleporter, to grab the flag and bring it back, while dodging the other hunter's bullets.

    Each team has two groups of players:

    The Hunter


    The hunter's job is pretty simple: Kill the ducks!
    In order to do this his tele brings him ontop of a custom powerup, allowing him to inflict damage. He kills the ducks in one hit, but cannot harm the other hunter straight across from him.

    The Ducks


    The ducks' job is a little more complex than the average duck hunt. They will, like the Hunter, go through their respective teleporter to the map. They must dodge the bullets from the hunter to get to the top. Once there they must grab the flag, and then bring it back down to the bottom. Once at the bottom they must go to the elvator, throw the regen, activating the elevator, and ride it to the top to score.

    The Game

    The settings for the CTF game are as follows:

    Base player traits:
    50% Shields
    Forced color gold
    0% damage
    Plasma pistol primary, Sniper secondary
    Infinite lives
    10 second respawn

    Custom traits:
    90 seconds
    100% damage
    Good Camo
    25% speed, 200% gravity

    Game settings:
    9 rounds
    4 minute rounds
    1 capture to win round
    The game goes on until one of two things happen:
    - The 4 minutes run out
    - On team captures the flag

    The Map


    The map is split up into two sides, with three floors each. The Red team and Blue team each have their own sides of the map to climb, and their own sniper box for their hunter to occupy.

    The two halves of the map are 15 grid squares apart and the sniper box is placed perfectly to give the best LOS. Since the sniper box isn't directly straight across, but rather towards one side, the cover acts much differently than you'd first think.

    The first floor of the map. This floor has a bubble shield. (The two thick ramps have been updated since the pic)

    The second floor of the map. At the beginning of this floor you have to run a little bit forward. This floor has a deployable cover. (The floating thick ramp has been removed)

    The third floor of the map is where the flag is located. Once you reach the end of this floor, you have to grab the flag and turn around and begin your descent. This floor also has a bubble shield.

    If you somehow manage to bring your flag to the bottom, all you have to do is enter the elevator. Once past the shield door you are basically in the clear. Throw the regen that spawns at the bottom, jump, and get carried to the top where the capture point awaits.

    For those of you that like the classic Duck Hunt, this map takes advantage of symmetry options so it works for the infection variant as well.

    Differences from Flag to Infection versions:
    - The regen is moved from the bottom of the elevator, to the top of the map where the flag usually spawns.
    - The Hunter uses the blue side, and snipes the ducks that use the red side.
    - The sniper tele in the red spawn and the ducks' tele in the blue spawn are removed.

    - There is a custom and rocket in place of the capture point.

    - There are 15 starting points for the ducks, so up to 16 people can play.

    I have also included a version of the map that plays with team snipers or team SWAT.

    Action Shots
    All shots are a combination of flag and infection shots.

    Double kill and a snipe right off the bat.

    All alone and only halfway through

    Almost made it to the end!

    Ridin' the elevator and in the clear

    Oh shi-

    Some last tips
    - Be aware of the angles the hunter can see you at.
    - All equipment has 90 second respawns (regen is 60) so your first attempt to get the flag may be your most successful.
    - This map, although it looks small, is actually pretty difficult to beat. Because you have to turn around, you actually have to traverse 6 floors. Not too often does someone make it to the end, but often enough to keep it interesting.
    - The flag has a 10 second reset time.

    Download the map and enjoy!

    Map: Hunters' Inn
    Flag Game: Flag Hunter
    Infection Game: Open Season
    Credit for gametype goes to The1ToFear (A jacal)
    Team Snipers/SWAT Variant: Hunters' Inn SN

    Thanks to everyone who helped me test:

    Jake Space Man
    Sn1p3oC1Ty as NinKeith[1]
    And everyone else I forgot
    #1 NinKeith, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  2. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
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    This looks amazing! finally a better varient of the plain old boring duck hunt. Everything is neat and finished. Looks great and overall is just amazing. Nice job man. Im diggin' the elevator. Keep Forging! *** 9.5/10 ***
  3. Chris13

    Chris13 Ancient
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    I think that its safe to say that everyone was waiting for a great, new, innovative duck hunt map on Sandbox. You just pulled it off. Nice job and keep forging!
  4. ViVo 444

    ViVo 444 Ancient
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    I hated the old duck hunt maps but this one seems alot more fun
    Nice work dude
  5. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    Thanks for all the positive comments.

    Apparently everyone liked the old version where there were infinite lives, and I got yelled at for putting the other version up. So I updated the OP with that information instead. And updated the link to the gametype.
    #5 NinKeith, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  6. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Time to shed some light on this:

    It is nice that you are original, but you just made the original duck hunt map about 5 times more complicated (it was kind of impossible to mess up the other duck hunt map unless you did not go into the hunter's sight). What if you do not have a microphone or do not want to explain it to everyone? You expect a large party to just take the flag, go down, and somehow know that the regenerator triggers an elevator? Duck Hunt maps are used for many people which you obviously do not understand. We have way to many Duck Hunt maps, it was one of the first popular maps and after many remakes, you still have not improved it, but rather downgraded.

    And what is with the story? Ducks have taken over an inn? You obviously did not thoroughly think over this map, or even this post.

    Sorry, but no map is perfect. And honestly, yours is not close. Better luck next time.
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Hmmm...great way of making duck hunt..not duck hunt. I love the symmetry and the CTF part of it, and that elevator! Keep on forging. :)
  8. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    About time I got a comment like this. Anyway:
    1) The concept isn't really that hard to grasp. Not many people know that regens can activate man cannons. I'm aware of that, and not many maps use it, which is why I did. I wanted to bring something cool to a game that hasn't seen change in a very long time.
    2) I know there are alot of duck hunt maps out there, but I haven't seen many on sandbox that are forged as nice as this was. And I haven't seen any duck hunt map that plays like this one does. It was something original that I brought to the game, so I thought I'd share it. If you don't like it, go play the old version or whatever the heck you want to, noone's going to stop you.
    3) The story was just something comical I came up with at the last second, It's not anything serious. I thought people would get some lolz out of it.

    Care to explain how my well organized post with everything clearly laid out and explained, or my map that plays perfectly with the game it was designed for, hasn't been thought over?

    Honestly I had no problems explaining this to my party, it's no different than explaining the rules in tremors or any other minigame, and if you can't take the 30 seconds to explain the game to the party yourself, or afford a 10 dollar headset, then just leave and move on.
    #8 NinKeith, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  9. JakeMan

    JakeMan Ancient
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    This map was totally epic, i downloaded it and cant stop playing it, even if I'm the only one in the game. lolz. Basically, this map really works for any slayer based game types. I really enjoyed testing it. the bigger the party, the better. Duck Hunt's world will be forever changed.

    Also to Kryticate:
    This map and game type is not that hard to understand. As NinKeith stated earlier, if you cant comprehend this idea, you should be worried more about yourself than a video game variant. Also, you might want to go to a doctor and have him make sure your head is screwed on straight.

    Also, the name and background story definitely deserves some lolz. So here you go: lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololz!!!
    Your Welcome!
  10. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    So you are using something that has not been done before BECAUSE people do not know what to do? Nice strategy you got there.

    I do not care what map it is on, the idea has already been taken and done many times. Sure, remaking an old idea on a new map can be fun but trying to revive it isn't. Duck Huntin'! V2.2 is a great map and is fun to play, but people will not keep 5 different Duck Hunt maps in their library. They want a variety of cool, original maps that are fun to play and do not get repetitive. Your map is an example of the exact opposite.

    You just contradicted yourself.

    Not sure what world you are living in, but the cheap headset is $20. And if you are lucky, you can get the $60 one. And with the bad economy, no one is thinking about headsets for a video game console. Oh, and if you are going to steal someone's gametype, ask them for permission and give them proper credit.
    #10 Kryticate, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  11. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    Really if you take the time to read the post you wouldn't have any problem knowing what to do, or telling your party what to do. If you do maybe I could try to explain it better, but I think I did a good job doing that in the first place. The only person I had a problem explaining this to, was a 10 year old at my friends house who had never picked up an xbox 360 controller before in his life. Obviously I don't expect anyone to know what to do without reading this post first.

    Yes the idea has been done before, and maby it has been done too many times. And really duck hunt isn't something my friends and I think is old or repetative, what we do think gets repetitive is the maps, which is why my friends and I try to find new ones all the time. Maybe were the only ones on the planet who do that. And I'm aware that people won't want to keep every map that comes out for one game, but am I forcing you to download it? no, if you don't want to DL it just leave, I really don't care. And yes, that version you linked is very good. I played with my friends all the time but people thought it was too small when we got a big party. They said one of us should make one that supports alot of people, so I did. If you think there are too many of these maps, or think the whole idea behind my map is just terrible, and everything about my thread and map sucks, so be it. You're entitled to your opinion.

    My headset only cost me $15. And there are atleast 3 more that are under 20 bucks. And really who would be able to organize a group of so many people, and not have a headset in the first place? And about stealing the gametype, I didn't know it was his game, I thought it was the same game used by every map like this, I made a mistake. I'll be sure to ask him and give him credit if he says yes. And I've already sent a PM asking permission to keep the game on this thread.
    #11 NinKeith, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  12. JakeMan

    JakeMan Ancient
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    Dude, really when you post something on the internet it is no longer yours, anybody can get it from anywhere. Its the internet, not Fort Knox. I pirate hundreds of things everyday and nobody comes to my door telling me that I have to give them proper credit about something they posted on an unsecured webpage. And the guy who made duck hunt, he posted it on and forge hub because he wanted to share it with the world, not lock it up in a safe that only Chuck Norris can break into. You are the one who needs to think over your posts not NinKeith.

    P.S. I found a headset on Ebay for only $9.99

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