With an ever increasing population it has come to my attention that Nature is losing the war for survival! So Debate amongst this topic. Can Humans and Nature coexist, or will one be wiped out. I do think that Humans and Nature can Coexist, but with today's technology and the Booming world population I don't think this is possible by today's standard. And truth be told we will only kill our selves if we win the war. So whatever happens once we are gone Nature will take over the world once we are gone.
I think we will always co exist. Nature has many reproductive abilities, and I bet there are plenty of resources still to be found that can show progress for us.
We've been coexisting fine so far, except for the weeds in my yard - we are in direct conflict with each other.
Nah, nature is attacking us with global warming and the Bermuda Triangle and all those crazy bad weather phenomenons. Global warming is like nature's MIRV
Yhea if we're having a war between nature and humanity, then natures pulling all the tricks out of her bag and using them against us, but shes still losing. We can't coexist purely form the fact that it is in our nature (not a pun) to be greedy and uncareing. So all the best mother nature but I don't think you got much of a chance.
Even with the rise of population most experts agree that it is still materially possible for humans to coexist with nature (Simple things such as using alternate and less polluting energy sources, modernize the industries so that they are energy efficient and have people do things at a local scale like not throwing garbage, walking instead of driving etc... nothing drastic.) the question is can we be bothered to make such a small effort even if our planet is at stake?
Easiest, most truthful answer too this thread. Besides, Global Warming is IMPORTANT FOR LIFE. Wether you believe it or not, DEATH IS THE BUILDING BLOCK OF LIFE.
I don't think that is what dreaddraco2 was talking about. I believe what he meant was that death builds on life. Why do you think there are forest fires? Tsunamis? Volcanos? All these natural occuring phenomena replace the existing life with new life. If you've ever looked closely at the aftermath of a forest fire, you can see the new plants growing from the ashes of the forest. Death doesn't kill everything off, it merely opens new doors for life to exist.