I saw this side argument in a blog on weapons and there was speculation if the sentinal beam deserved to be forerunner or Human, and I just wanted to bring it to the publics eyes. So, is forerunner, human? There is alot of evidence in the Halo's campain that suggests that humans are forerunner. Evidence: Guilty Spark:"You are forerunner" But, then again how can we be forerunner? It was supposedly made before our time. My solutions to this: 1.Humans are forerunner, but a migration to Earth left us with little to no knowledge left of our heritage. 2.The forerunners programmed guilty spark to think that Humans were forerunner so that the human could take control when they had died out. LOOK I AM NOT A HALO FREAK AND I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THIS IN REAL LIFE LIKE ONE OF THOSE MEDEVIL GUYS WHO GOES AND FIGHTS WITH HIS CARDBOARD SWORD WITH 300 OTHER GEEKS. I just think this is an interesting gap left in in the campaign. Your Thoughts...?
No. (Read this on Halopedia) Forunners come from Precoursers who left the galaxy who made the Forunners the protectors of the galaxy for them to hand it down to Humans for the title Forunner. Plus if we were Forunner it would be like (I don't think this is a word) de - evolutionizing.
Forerunners are a certain type of human, like johnson and the chief. Actually, I guess you could say they are descendants of the forerunners. I got that from a website called ascendant justice. They devote themselves to unraveling the secrets of campaign.