HugeHill Raceway

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by T4K Shadow, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    HugeHill Raceway
    By T4K Shadow

    Original name, huh?

    That's right, the clue's in the name. This racetrack has a HUGE hill straight from the start, it goes from the top height barrier all the way down to the ocean, and then turns into a neat banked turn. From there you go round a spiral and across a small jump, then round another 90% corner and across another little jump. Straight after you land you'll be heading towards the launcher, a difficult obstacle that can end you day very badly. This works almost everytime. The faster you go when you hit the man cannons the better the angle you fly at, and spend less time in the air resulting in a faster lap time.

    Rough lap time (1:30)

    This is my second racetrack on Halo Reach and my first was very popular, so far it has forked in over 6,000 downloads, and has been on the most recommended list atleast once. There were many problems with it though, the main being the bumpy issue, and the second was you could cheat the one (and only) checkpoint, which wasn't fun for anyone, right?
    So when I started this track I wanted it to be smooth, with very little bumps thoughout, and I believe I achieved that, a nice smooth racetrack with a huge drop, just like I planned.

    Overview, well mostly:

    Starting point/finishing line and first corner:

    HUGE HILL (Main feature of the track)

    First banked turn and spiral to jump:

    Landing zone and next corner:

    Little jump before launcher:


    Launcher landing and final corner:

    Finally, the hill back upto the starting line, please note that this takes a while to climb, but you SHOULD always make it up:

    Well, that's it. I hope you enjoy my latest racetrack and please leave some constructive feedback, so I can improve my racetracks even more.

    #1 T4K Shadow, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  2. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
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    The "Huge Hill" at the start has no obstacles, leads to no ramps and before you even get to the 'banked' curve you are already back down to 75, not that is matters when the curve is 5x5 wide. To make the track even more exciting, there is a hill which drops you down to a crawling 34km and the launcher is more like an elevator. At least you added support beams.
    #2 Jolan, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  3. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    Honestly, I feel pretty much like Jolan, no offence.

    Edit: Also why 2 vids?
  4. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Why the hell would I want obstacles on a huge hill? I'm sorry but that's ridicolous. It doesn't lead to any ramps because, believe it or not some people may flip or spin, and a little straight after allows people to regain control. What's with the ' around banked? It's banked, but you imply it isn't, and about the speed, I cannot change the speed or physics of a mongoose, you know.
    Why are people complaining about the width? A wider track means less faulting, I don't want a single wide track, like I said before I don't want an obstacle course.
    About the ending hill climb, how would you have done it then, huh? I originally had a teleporter, but that sucks.
    Indeed the launcher sends you vertically, but that doesn't mean it's an elevator, if I would have called it an elevator I'm sure you'd still have complained about it for not having a cable attached to it.

    As much as I appreciate constructive criticism, you just seemed to nit-pick everything, you didn't even say anything you liked about it. Thanks.

    Thanks for the feedback, mate.

    Also, why complain about me including MORE INFORMATION for you all to read, and get a better feel for the map. It's like you only want one picture or something...

    I know it seems like I'm ranting but I just don't see what you two are on about, at all.
  5. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Here i'll actually give criticism cuz you're right T4K they don't know what they're talking about lol. But I though the hill was quite fun and yes it is HUGE lol and when you fly off of it you think you're going to crash but at least I didn't haha I landed fine :) but the thing that bugs me is that they whole track is the 5*5's or the wall collessiums (I know I spelled it wrong lol). You can't make smooth banks with them unless they are flat banks like that ones you did. but after the first bank it goes up to fast and causes the mongoose to bump (kinda jump-ish) which urks me it's one of my pet peeves but that's kinda an opinion. I prefer straight up double wide and mostly non flat banks that you make using like ramp stunts, block 2*4, wall doubles, and whatever else lol. Also the first 2 times I went on the launchers I ended up bouncing and rolling off the track into the depths of the water below which made me cry :'( but it was an all around good and amusing track :)
  6. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Thanks for the actual feedback chaos! Greatly appreciated. =]

    I know exactly what you mean about the 5x5 blocks, they are very boring and it's hard to make a smooth track because of their size. I actually realised that after this track and implemented other objects in to my latest track; Kaiju Raceway.
    I also no longer use the colliseum walls because they're extremely ugly and far to large for a track.

    About the lanucher, I tried for ages tyring to make it more accurate, but that was the best I could do whilst still being able to make it up to the start line again. I also tried to make a more reliable jump in my latest track.

    Thanks for the comment, and I'll be sure to use it in my future tracks chaos, I'm finally coming to terms with the new forge system and objects.
  7. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
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    I put 'banked' in quotation because it's not banked, it's just a regular curve that's been rotated. Banked implies more of a Nascar or oval track kind of turn, like a bowl or quarter-pipe.

    The obstacles are suggested because the hill as-is, is BORING. You may as well start the race at the bottom.. in fact that might be a more exciting option to end the lap with an all-out mad dash. I understand you do not want people sliding off the track but because your speed naturally drops down on its own, reaching 150km is redundant - nobody's worried about slamming on the brakes too early or late.

    Like you pointed out, you cannot change the speed or physics of a Mongoose, so adding more track by using larger pieces only makes the track duller. If the turns were small enough that you couldn't take it at full speed and still remain in first place, then it would become more exciting as people would push their driving abilities to advance.

    One track I played after yours had Man Cannons in the track that acted as turbo boosters. These were spread out so that in order to hit each one the driver would risk losing control and their position.

    Improvements I would make:
    First of all, take every turn and shrink it so that you cannot drive on the inside at 75km/h. On the first turn, either drop it down and bank it properly OR leave the first half as it is, and then bank the second and raise up the rest of the track to match. Give the corkscrew more incline so that you are heading upwards a bit, though not enough to drop your speed too much.

    At the top of the Launcher, place 1-way shield doors at an angle. After lift-off, the player will bounce off and use the boost from the cannons to accelerate the vehicle. If you vary the heights of the shields, then your exit speed will depend on which gate you chose, and may result in battles for that gate!

    The idea behind raising the track up gradually is that you reduce the height needed for the final climb. Then you can use the Man Cannons as turbo boosts, spread about, on that hill. For added excitement place ~small ramps in that hill for loss of traction.
  8. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I loved all of your H3 race maps and this ones no exception. The first drop is incredible and the banks and turns all look and play smooth. The only thing I disliked was the vehicle cannons, because they have a tendency to not always work. It would've been cool to see man cannons on that steep upgrade because it can get quite slow.
  9. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    It's not like that at all, I was simply asking why you have two pretty much identical vids. I was in no way complaining, I was just asking. And you seem to have answered that question. I know that I may have came off as a troll, but I was just trying to tell you how I felt about this map.

    And I also want to inform you that now that I have internet, I will be downloading the map and seeing it for myself.

    I should get a review of this up tommorow.
    Sorry for being a jerk, but I was going off of the vid.

    Maybe you should be a little more nice to people that are trying to tell you their feelings about YOUR map so YOU can make it better.

    Edit: tried out the map and It is alright, I mean, the hill is kinda fun the first time, but it doesn't have the awesomeness of some of the other race maps. Most other race maps are longer, and overall better, sorry but All I can say is that the uphill climb at the end is pretty boring, If you can find a way to fix that, then it might be more fun.
    #9 killllllll11488, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  10. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I shall give feedback based on how enjoyable this map is compared to other race tracks.

    The forging is amazingly clean. It isnt rough, there are no stupid sections like going up two story towers or those circular ramps, which makes the map hugely enjoyable. Unlike others, I think your lack of obstacles on the Hill was great, and made me want to replay the track.
    I like the fact the map is simple, and doesnt have a billion little challenges and areas you will fall off e.t.c. I like how the map is simple and fun, and great with a bunch of people.
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bahahahahahaha... you have no idea what you're talking about.
  12. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
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    Then explain it oh great 1 line poster.
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You want me to, oh great one line poster? Ok. I'll take your bait.
    No, banked does not imply that of a NASCAR track. It CAN mean that, but not always when it comes to racetracks in both Halo 3 and Reach, what Shadow has after the huge hill is considered a banked turn.

    This is a battletrack, not a roller coaster. It's not supposed to be difficult. Adding obstacles would make it more difficult to drive on, thus causing a battletrack-type of game to be much less enjoyable.

    Also, reaching 150km is NOT redundant because it's fun to reach 150km. So what if it doesn't carry into the turn? Again, battletracks are not meant to be difficult to extent that you have to think about braking.

    See above.

    That's not a bad idea, but he would have to make sure that the mancannons did not careen a driver off of the track, but simply speeds them up.

    See above, and again, see above.

    See above. I'd also like to note that one-way shield doors slow down a fast-moving mongoose significantly.

    It seems as though overall, you want Shadow to make the track more difficult, when in reality, I'm sure he didn't want it to be difficult. Battletracks are not usually meant to be difficult.

    If you want a difficult battletrack, go make one yourself. No one's stopping you.
  14. pickle744

    pickle744 Ancient
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    you are the most ignorant person ever.
  15. Chub360

    Chub360 Forerunner

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    one of the best race maps i've played
  16. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    In all honesty I believe Jolan had some good points, but you guys are just too quick to kick him to the side because he was so tactless in his use of words. In T4K’s defense, I understand he was also hoping to hear positive feedback as well (considering the time it takes to make a smooth and consistent track).

    That being said, my first impression of your track was that it was going to be a rollercoaster, but your use of videos were helpful because it was clear you were going for a competitive racetrack. I just wish the final stretch wasn’t so drawn out because you have to push up hill going 45 mph. As a suggestion, you could raise the platform you land on from going off the lift. Then the final stretch won’t have as steep an incline.

    IMO, I believe this would make your track an even more fun experience. Your track has great potential and I wouldn’t be making suggestions if I could do it myself, so…. props.
    #16 PeteTacular 42, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011

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