Hey im working on a halo reach HUD. (heads up display) As of now it works, but not that pretty looking is it? i though so. YouTube - halo reach hud design It was designed in paint like this... Uploaded with ImageShack.us Then by using effects in SonyVegas10 i got the video behind it. I would love some feedback on what you would like to in this HUD design.
Im not sure what the point of this is plus it isn't very appealing. I would make the hard black edges more curved and get rid of that hexagon in the middle, its in the way!
I noticed that the hexagon is off-center. Other than that, I don't really know what to say; you have nothing too apppealing and unless you are making some sort of machinima, I don't see the point in having this kind of HUD. It also looks somewhat still; if internals were suffering damage, there would be constant blinking and many numbers running (rather than just stand still still in the corner)
im doing this just to see what type things/effects i can add to my videos. im still trying to learn flashing effects and that stuff.
Use adobe after effects. It's more complicated than Vegas (and more expensive), but the effects on after effects is amazing! BTW, the vid for the HUD was ok for the first time.