A nice , well built map, which greatly uses the technique of interlocking, which means it gets a clean smooth finish. It small, and meant for up close combat, and a great training map for beginners who need to practice being in tight situations . This meant only for slayer, but the score should be set at 50 not 25 . There is only 2 ways out of the map, one im fixing, and the other is very hard to find, and was set there purposely, so tell me if you find it. This is the waterfall with camo inside. this is the left side, it has a brute shot in the sideways box. And above the sideways box is two SMG's and a bubble shield. another view of the left side. and at the bottom of the stairs is a power drain this is a view of the right side, just under the sniper booth. GOTCHA, there is a sniperrifle located under these pallets (warining hard to get to) and in side the sideways open box, there is a shotgun. you can jump into the mancannon and... land in the sniper booth BUILD TIME: Over the series of about a week, and around 2 1/2 hours each day, so 21 hours of planning, guessing, building testing, adding, editing, more testing, even more editing, constructing, placement, thinking, and posting on this thread. Since Im grounded from my Xbox, i will attempt to give a list of all the weopons and equipment on the map from memory. 2 SMG's 1 Covenant sniper 1 UNSC sniper 1 UNSC shotgun 1 brute shot 2 battle rifles a handfull of gernades 1 bubble shield 1 powerdrain and 1 acxtive camo. if i can think of any more, I will post them. for more pics, go here to download GO Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Well, its hard to explain, You have to have a photobucket profile. Then upload those photos then copy the
looks good more pics embedded would be nice(people dont like to click) but please dont double post^^^^^
I like your general idea. Your pics look nice, but I would add more. Also I would like to know more about your map. Please add information such as weapon sets, best weapon start, the general layout, and again more pics. Then I can fully rate this.
holy freaking cow man all i got to say is awsome....awwwwwwwww man i don't think i could make a map that great i have terrible interlocking skills as my rep says but it is very true sadly but great job dled once my xbox is fixed......
is it just me or is everyones xbox broke???, it soundl like an excuse to not download, but i dont care, lol