Yeah, spike grenades explode in a cone shape, so most of them actually go up. As they can stick to walls, that's what they are used best for (besides actually getting on the person). Yeah, chasm has frags and plasmas, but they work well for it. Also, Chasm has good hiding spots on the sides, which I regularly use to ninja people, so that adds a bit to the tug-of-war style gameplay. I'm honestly lost with my conquest map. I've been thinking up so many designs, and none of them seem to stick for me. Although, I do love Pulsekillers design, and it uses elevation fairly well, I think.
well here is the basic outline of mine just got to copy and paste it to the other side now lol PS: I'm looking for someone to help with spawns and weapons after i finish....
^ You do know that one of the rules of the site is that you don't spam. Read the entire post before you start making comments.
God, an I thought my map might just have a small chance of winning, oh well I'll still enter mine but mine is just so simple and I tested it today.... in a 2vs2 just to check and see if everything was working properly it was somehow really unfair one side, even thought it's symmetrical, but in a 3 vs 3 it was perfectly fine... that was odd! But I might go back and start one from scratch, because Foundry Clean for some reason only had like half of the items budget glitched even though it was straight from Buddhas fileshare D:
Wait until you see what Viper and I are cooking up. It's shaping up quite nicely so far. As for the rest of you guys, bring your A game. You'll need it to get past halftime.
Im doing very well. I actually designed the whole thing in sketchup and am now just copying it from that design. It should be amazing unless it goes horribly wrong. This is a preview... Now I am having some trouble with this {that angled double box}, so if anyone is willing to help, that would be greatly appreiciated
That ^^^^ is all lies but never mind. I think that premiums and above shouldn't be allowed to enter this contest. Since the main prize is a map towards premium, the whole thing would become pointless if a premium wins, which has a good chance of happening, as premiums are generally better forgers. Also, there might be some bias in the judging.
exactly, us entering doesnt give us anything so why does it matter if we enter? the prizes are just incentive to get people to try and participate in community events, for some of us it matters not, to others its the only reason they'll get involved.
Lol, I love forging conquest maps - well I suppose I shouldn't have phrased it like that. Basically, it will be quite annoying if a premium wins.
I don't think we will win. There are other great forgers out there that are even better then some of the premiums but just haven't givin it a chance or hasn't found their style in map. I'm making one but even if I enter an amazing map I think that they will probibly pick someone elses that is not premium because everyone is already going to be checking out my map and I have nothing to really gain by getting it. so why not give it to another (non-coloured name) member.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter who you are there are so many judges for this contest you never know what they are gonna vote on. It is however an awesome contest that everyone seems to be entering.
My map was going okay, but I dropped out due to RRoD. It only had me down for a couple of days, due to my warranty, but then school came again to haunt me, and I could just never finish it. I liked the layout, though, and if anyone decided to collab. it by doing the building part, that would be tight.
wow me and three friends were just talking about how it is unfair to normal uncolored members, when A higher up colored member wins. In my opinion if such an occasion happens were a colored member wins in a specific part of the tournament the count towards premium should be awarded to the next great map in that category. So if a colored member won in a specific category, that count towards premium goes no where.