BTB conquest is not for this contest. BTB "conquest" isnt even conquest. Add turrets to it... and its barely suitable for the competitive map section. (exaggeration)
>_> <_< This is war Nemi... or should we join forces? I'd hate to knock you out of the competition. lulz
Is it ok if I use flame grenades on my map? I placed two in the center area of my map, and because its a closed in map they really work well in slowing down the opponent for a few seconds while your team regroups.
Here is what I'm hoping my map comes out like If you can actually understand the diagram, I congratulate you. Here's the thing though. A traditional Conquest map has 5 or 7 territories. I want to do 7, but I don't know if I should use the territories that are red or blue on my diagram. Or, do you guys think it would be fine if I used 9 territories?
u can have frags they are just very powerful so use them sparingly. Most maps have 2 spikes 1or 2 nade on each side
plasmas could be used, but be wary that the reason they arent used is because of how powerful they are
Since most conquest maps are enclosed with a lot of corners and such, it seems to me that frags would be overpowered due to the fact that you can throw them blindly around corners. This is the same problem with plasmas, although to a much less extent. Spike grenades on the other hand do not bounce at all.
So lights when u gonna drop some pictured for these people they should them theirs we got to show them ours.
This was the inital design the sides have been expanded twofold and tele boxes have changed postition. The center is a secret however and below the center was just an explanation of what it was to lights.
Funny Conquest story about spike grenades. Some guy was taking cover (read: camping) behind a door thing. He had a mauler. I had an AR; useless. However, I also had a spike grenade. I threw it and stuck it to the wall opposite to him (part of the real map) and the spikes pretty much exploded and went all straight towards him.