About the "if you have a vehicle,you better have a good reason" thing , i have a great idea, You would either need the vehicle(mongoose) to get over a death pit, or to go through a wall of teleporters that send you to your death if you go through them on foot. everyone has permission to use this idea B)
its a pretty good idea imo but its missing some stuff. Well, the problem with that is it will encourage the prevalent use of the mongoose since people will be forced to use it to proceed. The only way I see to rectify this is to maybe make this a central route accessible by both sides that provides the most direct means of transportation across the map, and if you dont have the mongoose you use the side routes (really the main routes) to get to the other side.
I'm doing just fine thankyou. I've got one side of the map about... 75% done. The other side is about.. 10% done. So, I guess I'll be done in two weeks, if I have that long.
I dont even know what chasm is... I am an MLG map forger, this is my first attempt at a Conquest map, so I dont really know exactly what people are looking for in it.
just tug-of-war. linearity. yours looks very linear so it sounds good. and chasm is a map that would insta-win this contest had the author not released it a week before the contest started. sadfaic. anywho, your map looks great, good luck.
I know the general rules of the map, just not much else. And I think I saw chasm... the one with the death pit right?
im completely done with my map i made a quick overview of map on paint i have the map posted with pics
good luck winning with vehicles on your map. the rules are actually pretty straight forward, that it must be a traditional conquest map. if you dont know what that means, DL some traditional conquest maps and do some research. look up: faction, traction, cellars... there are others
LIGHTS is right. It needs to be a traditional conquest map, a mongoose would totally ruin it. And even if you used that teleporter idea, it still would ruin the map. Conquest is designed to be pretty straight forward. Go through the walkway, capture the territories, and kill anything that comes near you. that idea to use a mongoose to get past a death teleporter would totally defeat the point of conquest.
That is looking really nice pulse. Looks like i got to add you to my list of competition for the forge off.
Thanks for clearing that up Lights: Anyway, here is a basic little sketch of what I am planning to do with mine, made in Paint =P Curving up ramps FTW
curved ramps... the bane of my existence... looking really sweet tho. This really is the biggest competition to hit FH and it was quite a surprise everyone really wanting to make a Conquest map.
I'm in the player/weapon spawn phase of making my map and I wanted to know if a machine gun turret would be acceptable. My map is set up for a Big Team Conquest and I have set up a machine gun "nest" at the end of each base. Would this work or would it totally be un-conquest?
Blue: Basically, that means we have to use standard (aka traditional) conquest gametype. I am pretty sure BTB Conquest won't count. As for using a machine gun turret, it encourages staying in one area in order to use it. If you rip it off, it may also prove to be quite overpowering. So I wouldn't recommend it, but then again, I am no expert at this stuff.