Maybe when geometry is already done, but I'm debating whether or not to leave some novelties a suprise.
The codename for ours is chipotle, lol. The final name hasn't been finalized, but we are making progress.
Just finished the Foundry Design last night. I'm building now. And ****, thanks a lot Seaboro Kibbles. Now I think I'm going to lose. Edit: Oh, and the name Meridian has been used before. My 2D designing may not be as pretty as that Sketchup stuff you guys do, but hey, it works! If you can actually figure out the flow of the map given those three images, congrats.
Havn't done any won mine yet, just some concept experiments to see if what I plan is possible. Was going to do some work today but unfortunately the flat mates ex-missus is over and she is a ***** who thinks she owns this ****ing house and I'm too lazy to tell her to **** off.
Mines an old concept that I had a while ago that currently needs redesigning to be forged properly. its win or fail, no in between. :/
This is my Conquest map in progress. The arrows point down to the invisible teleporter and yes there are hallways but it doesn't show them on pic so ya
The teleporter you see in the pic goes to the B box right of the merged grav lift the other one goes to the A box
Agreed, i put snipers in the boxes too and you can snipe at the bottom of the windows or get on a little ledge at the top and snipe
I've never found teleporter cages ever useful. They just get you stuck in them with no ammo and no way to kill yourself.
You REALLY need to be careful that the area the box is in wont make a moderately-skillfull player impede all advancement on the map. The TP boxes should be used only to grant a short reprieve so that a team can get to the other side faster than another. and Nemi, I agree entirely.
I already know i lost because a bunch of premiums are making conquest maps, and they are way more experienced than me. But i still think it is fun to forge.
..... just because someone is more experienced doesn't mean they are necessarily better or (even farther down the expectation line) win. I'm still making my map, and like I said before, its either going to win the entire contest or fail spectacularly due to the nature of the map. Now, the ratio to me winning to me losing is against me nearly as much as the odds of winning the lottery. So why am I still making my map? because theres a glimmer of hope that I still may make a fan favorite. point is, dont despair.
Hmm, I am interested in trying out conquest, but I have no idea what you can and can't do. I read up on the Book of Conquest, but it didn't help much. Are you allowed to have vantage points? Not quite tele-boxes, but used in the same way? Are vehicles, such as the mongoose, allowed for quick player advancement? Are natural hazards allowed? These are some of my questions, cause I haven't seen things similar to such done before, and I want to know if I can get away with it.
Since the rules were VERY VERY bare, everything is open to interpretation. For example, the design of my map may have lead to instant-disqualification if they would have expanded upon the rules a bit. But they didn't so my maps fine. It plays like conquest, but brings a new gameplay mechanic in to make it unique. So, nothing is really off limits, but I would follow a few simple suggestions in order to limit dismay on account of the players/judges. Vantage points; fine methinks, as long as they aren't campable. Tele boxes are acceptable because people may camp them, but they inevitably die. So either make the VPs campable with dire consequences or uncampable but with a slight advantage over the other team (the latter is better methinks) Vehicles are allowed, but you better have a good reason to have them, and an even better way to balance them out effectively (and I dont mean, put another vehicle on the other side's base too, which you would need to do anyway). I recall seeing a conquest map on ghost town that utilized mongooses. As for natural hazards, I would REALLY discourage this. Like I mentioned above, you better have a damn good reason to incorporate them and a way to even it out.